The Party*

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Sorry I have not updated. School started and I have been a little busy. This chapter is a little rush so it kinda sucks and short. 


Harry POV:

The rest of the week went by in a blur. I didn't think the time will go so fast that it was already Saturday.

I woke up at 12:00 pm on saturday. I groned and turned around towards the cealing. I really really don't want to go to the party now. I know I'm gunna make a fool of myself. Its not even my type of crowd. I called Liam and niall and they flipped out about the whole thing.

Im excited and nervous about the party. Louis is perfect and popular and I'm neither one of those. I turn to my table at the sound of my phone vibrating. I look at my phone and my heart starts to beat faster. Its a text from Louis.

Louis text:

I'm picking you up at 8 so be ready to party your ass off. :P 


I was about to respond to the text when two people come barging into my room.

"Why are you still in bed its already 2 get up and eat we have work to do" Niall states

I give them a confused look until it dawns on me why there here.

"No. No. No. No you are not helping me" I tell them

"Yes we are because I don't even know if you know how to dress for a party" Liam says

"I-" I cut myself off because they where right. I sighed and got up.

We left my room and walked down the hall to the stairs to the kichen. The cook already made lunch and all I have to do is warm it up. Milly my housekeeper well more like my nanny but only Niall and Liam know. I won't tell anyone that because It's so embarising. I told my parents I don't need one but they insist. I think because they just don't trust me . I don't understand why they don't I don't do anything around here. But I think its because they feel bad that there not here at home. They don't want me to feel lonley.

I come back to reality and look at Liam and Niall they were discussing something. Niall was eating some of the lunch and so was Liam.

They turn to me and Liam says.

"Go take a shower"

"Ok" I respond

I get up and put my dish in the sink. I walk up the stairs to my room. I step into the shower and wash my hair and body. I stand under the water for a while to clear my head.

I finally get out and dry my hair and wrap the towl around my waist and walk into my room.

Niall and Liam have a outfit already and laid it out for me. I look at it and its okay if I say so myself. Its just a red burgindy tee and washed out jeans with white converse. I grab the cloths and start putting them on. After I finish I see Liam holding out my paper airplane necklace. I look in my mirror and I mean wow I look FIT.

Niall grabbed me and pushed me onto a chair. I look up and see liam and he starts ruffling my hair. I see Niall grabb some tamming gel stuff and hands it to Liam. Liam puts the gel in the palm of his hand and started puting his fingers through my hair. He ruffles a bit more then he steps back and says.

"Wallah and just in a nick of time." Liam says cheerfully

I turned to the mirror and looked at my hair. It was tamed and the curls went around my ear and out of my face and eyes. I turned to the clock and its 7:58.

"Oh shit " I say. I hear the door bell go off.

"Oh My God I'm going to be sick" I feel my stomch turn and butterflys were erupting.

"Harry no your not and he is here now go down stairs and answer that door and go to that damb party." Liam says

"Go get smashed for me and I wanna know everything that happens tonight. Hopefully you will get some ass and you won't be so up tight anymore. Mabe Louis will do the honors." Niall says in a amused tone.

I turn red

"NIALL" me and Liam shout

I turn and walk out before he could say more. I walk down the steps and open the front door. Louis is standing there in front of me in a black Killers shirt and black skinnys. I stare in awe and so is Louis I think he is . I Hope.

Louis Pov:

I ring the door bell at Harry's house and wait for him to answer. I am excited to say the least. I hope he dressed good for the party.

I finally see the door open and reaves the curly haired boy. He is dressed really good. If i saw so myself he is F-I-T Fit my god. I didn't know he could look so good jesus. I could just jump his bo- what?

"Uh Hi" Harry says akwardly

"Hi ready to go?" I ask

"Yea" He turns around and closes the door.

We get in the car and drive off.


(Skip to the party)

I walked in and walked strait to the bar. Harry is right behind me akwardly. I grab the vadka and pour us some shots.

I turn around and Harry looks at me. I grab the glass and hand one to Harry.

"To the night" I drink it and wach as harry look at it then drinks it. I see him shiver and grimice at the taste. I lauph and pour us another shot and then another until im buzzed and harry is tipsy. Harry starts to laugh and then we start towards the dance floor. Harry starts dancing widly and I start to dance with the beat to the music.

I drink more and take hits from some joints. Harry also follows my lead it looks like he is having a hell of a night.

I walk off with some girl and we dance. I don't see Harry for a while I think.

The next thing I know is im kissing someone and we are in a bedroom undressing in a rush. It was a mix of lust, alchohal and pot. Then everything goes black.

 --------------Harry POV------------

I wake up with a massive headach. My body aches and so does my bottom half. I look to my right and see a figure sleeping next to me.

"Fuck" I wispered

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