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Harry POV

I wake up extra early, so I won't see my parents, they have been here for the last two days.


They are never home but one night I want to go out and everything, bam there here for the weekend.

I should be out there, spending time with them but then that will just turn into talking about how Louis is not good and all that shit.

I grab whatever clothes I find and throw them on.

I don't bother grabbing something to eat. I'm out the door before my parents have a word out of their mouths.


I get to the school so early no one is here. Well there is the teachers and some students.

I walk towards the bench and sit down and wait until everyone gets here.

I close my eyes.

I think I doze off because there is someone poking my face to wake me up.

I open my eyes and blink a couple of times. I see Louis in front of my face.

He smiles softly

"Hi" I say


We are quiet then I say.

"Uh Louis. I'm sorry about my parents. "

His smile drops and purses his lips.

"It's okay. "

I looked at him baffled.


"It's okay"

"But but bu-"

I was cut off by a pare if lips on mine.

I closed my eyes. He cups my cheek and kisses me with a tenderness I could never get enough of.

I heard some gasps from the people walking by.

We ignored them and kept kissing.

We finally pulled apart, he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I guess that's one way to shut me up" I say in a winded voice.

He chuckled.

"Yea you were babbling"

We noticed people were still staring he turned around.

"Hey keep walking this isn't a show. "

People scurried away and started to whisper to each other.

Some guys and girls glared at me but I ignored them.

He reached for me and I gave him my hand.

He Entwine our fingers we started to walk towards the building when he stopped.

"Hey do you wanna get out of here?"

I smile and nod vigorously.

We ran towards his car and jumped in.

We headed out of the school and towards the highway.

With our hands clasped together and our eyes set on the road in front of us.

We didn't know where we were going but we know that as long as we are together then that's enough.



So tell me in the comme-

Haha joking.

Continue reading.


"So where are we going?"

"Somewhere" is all he responded.

I pouted and he laughed but kept his eyes on the road.

I turned on the radio and started to sing along with the song.

Louis joined me after awhile and we sang together.

It was truly magical.


So tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading.

And also I won't be updating again until Sunday. I'm going to San Diego for the weekend and won't have Internet. But when I get to my Nina's ill update chapters I will have written on the rode.

Oh an check out my other Larry stories if you want to. :)



Fan :)

Im Not As I Seem (Larry Stylinson/ Niam Horayne AU)Where stories live. Discover now