Chapter 15: Silena, the Goddess of...

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to PJanimaland1Rlover because she helped me write this chapter!

Silena's PoV

Why did I have to go through that? My parents didn't have to! They just got married and were flying through the air and ZAP! God and goddess of demigods and architecture!

But nooooo! I had had to go up in front of the Olympians, show them what I could do, and they had decided what I would be the goddess of! Talk about nerve wracking! And all the while my parents and my younger brother, Luke, had been watching me from the side of the Olympians' throne room.

The whole time, I had been a nervous wreck. I felt myself trembling and shaking, and I was sure it was very visible. I felt trickles of liquid coming down my face, could a goddess sweat?

But it had gone a lot better than I thought. The Olympians didn't take long to decide what I was the goddess of, thank them. It was totally obvious that I had a passion for reading, which I had gotten from Mom. I had gotten Luke to read some of my small books, I even got DAD to read a little.

The Olympians decided that I'd be the goddess of reading and authors, with disagreement only from Ares and Dionysus, who of course hated reading, and everything else. I also suspected it was because of my parentage. My parents had told me stories about both. They were not people that I wanted to be mad at me.

I left with my parents and Luke right away, to our own beautiful palace, our home. I plopped down onto my bed in my room. The walls were in different colored stripes with my favorite colors. Sea green, stormy grey, sky blue, and hot pink. I had shelves in every spare space in the room, all crammed with books with ranging subjects.

I was glad I had been made the goddess of reading, but what power did that exactly give me? I decided to see. I concentrated on a single book, the Iliad, and suddenly, I had read the whole book in a matter of five seconds. Speed reading. That was my power.

Later, I soon discovered that I could also help authors writing books come up with ideas. I helped a nice author named Rick Riordan write a new series about Greek and Roman mythology.

Maybe being the goddess of reading and authors wasn't bad at all. It came in real handy and mom was very proud of me. I had some pretty awesome powers.

A/N: I totally wish I was Silena. I would definitely be her daughter. Anyone want to guess what that series is? >:)

You know the questions and what I'd like you to read.

Question: Your reaction to the Mark of Athena cliffhanger?

Quote: I can't think of any! I don't know why my mind is suddenly blank.

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