Chapter 4: Demigods turned into Gods

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A/N: Thich chapter is dedicated to cloverbrooks for her comment
Annabeth's PoV

We were still flying on Blackjack. We were flying above New York, gazing at the beautiful lights of the city that never sleeps. On the beach by Long Island Sound, at camp, we saw fireworks flying up. They usually only did that on the Fourth of July, or on special occasions. Then I reminded myself, this was a special occasion.

The fireworks were made into shapes. I saw Percy and I first meeting. Our first Capture the Flag game together. Him saving me from the titan's curse. Us in the labyrinth. Our kiss underwater.

"How did Leo know about that kiss?" Percy asked.

I laughed. "Somebody must've told him. Clarisse. The Stoll brothers. The whole camp probably."

He chuckled. "Well, whoever told him, I'm glad they did."

We watched more and more fireworks go up and dissipate into the sky. Suddenly, I saw a flash of light and the biggest lightning bolt I had ever seen enveloped us. I didn't know why Zeus was trying to kill us. I mean, I knew he hated Percy, even though he was his nephew, he was the son of Poseidon, but SERIOUSLY? On our wedding day?WHY?

Then a voice inside my head said, "No. We are not killing you.You two have done so much for us in the past years. We have returned the favor.We have made you into a god and goddess."

My mom. Athena. Her words rang in my ears. A god? A goddess? Us?

Judging by the expression on Percy's face, he had heard the voice of Poseidon in his head. We were both in shock. But then again, our parents were right. We did risk our lives for them five years in a row from the age of twelve to seventeen. And we sacrificed a lot along the way,including friends. But did we really deserve to be made immortal? Apparently the gods thought so.

Athena spoke to me again, "He is the god of demigods. You are the goddess of architecture."
A/N: Omg I had so much fun writing that so hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it was short but I thought it held a lot if meaning! I think this story is going to very original :)

So, please vote, comment, and follow me and I'll be very happy :D. Next chapter will be posted next weekend along with the final chapter of my House of Hades fan fic. Next chapter will be dedicated to a commenter. Please read my story on my joint account @MoonandWisdom The Truth is Revealed. And thanks to PJanimalandRlover for helping write and edit this once again! Love ya!

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