24 | Epilogue

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From the very first stirring of immediate and undeniable physical attraction, Madeline Wolfe tended to heed my attention at every waking moment. Her sole existence blocked my path at every turn, obliterated my thoughts, and monopolised my dreams.

Even now as we were both studying, I lost myself willingly in the distraction of her as I sat on the bed, back against the headboard, failing to read the case law in my lap.

Perfectly comfortable in her silence, Maddie sat across the room at the desk, soft and rumpled in nothing but a well-loved shirt of mine that covered her luscious ass and showed off sleek, toned legs, tucked underneath her.

The dim light of the lamp illuminated the chocolate strands of her raven hair. It tousled to one side as she bent her head over work, pouring over the notes. It was clear from her profile that her brows were furrowed, her lips pouting as she frowned in concentration. Definitely one of my favourite expressions on her—up there with the one she made when I was making her come.

Lifting my phone from the sheets, I activated my camera and quickly snapped the picture she created, saving it to the ever-growing album I'd made solely for her. Most of which were simply her doing boring, common-place things.

Maddie had begun a slow process of moving her stuff in, favouring a gradual but ongoing transition—even as she spent most of her nights here.

Coming to grips with how different it looked due to an added feminine touch, courtesy of Maddie, her possessions among mine were glaring. In the wardrobe, her clothes hung neatly; atop the drawer were her jewellery and perfumes; and in one corner laid a pile of her shoes.

My eyes drifted over the adjoining bathroom, the door open. But then stopped and backtracked. From my vantage point, I was able to focus through the doorway, inside to see her folded towels, toothbrush in the holder, and her delicates hanging from the shower rail.

There was no doubt for anyone walking into the room to discern right away that Maddie was mine.

My chest swelled with pride, a sharp pang of protectiveness moving through me.

This was our place. Somewhere we could shut the door and hide away from the rest of the world. Being in college meant privacy was a rare concept, the very staple of its fabric being socialisation. I found myself making a concerted effort to get away from people, and the long-suffering motions of gossip and small talk. And, admittedly, being the product of an abusive, alcoholic father meant that withdrawn, quiet moments were something I longed for.

Maddie was my own personal sanctuary, and nothing came close to being here, just me and her, with no interruptions. I wanted her to myself almost all the time—it was irrational, I know. But I couldn't help it.

Maddie was an enigma, her mind an intricate labyrinth. She fascinated the fuck out of me. A lifetime alone with her still wouldn't be enough.

Sliding noiselessly out of bed, I snagged the box Maddie hadn't noticed yet out of my nightstand and made my way over to the desk.

Standing behind the chair, I rested a hand on one side, the other behind my back as I bent and kissed her shoulder. Ghosted the column of her slender neck. Then caught her earlobe between my teeth, bit down gently before soothing it with a swipe of my tongue.

Immediately, she dropped her pen as she sighed happily, her eyelids fluttering closed.

"Well, hello to you, too," she giggled. The soft lilt in her voice constantly kept me blood-lined.

"You'll need a dress," I murmured into her ear. 

Slowly, I moved my hand from the arm of the chair, skimming fingers to her shoulder, down her chest and finally across her breasts. Maddie leant back further into me, sighing assent. She was braless, so I cupped them, hefting the weight, and squeezed gently. They swelled softly beneath the cotton, her nipples peaking. 

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