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"If there ever was a prime example of how a no-strings attached hook-up should be done," Scarlett's boyfriend said as we sat in the cafeteria the next day, "you and Trav are it." Oliver looked straight past my shoulder, so I guessed he'd probably been watching Travis work his on charm on whatever girl that managed to catch his attention.

I shot a look at Scarlett instead, who attempted to hide in the crook of Ollie's neck. Seeing as she'd taken a seat on his lap, it appeared their little spat had ended. "This is why I don't tell you anything, Scar." I sighed.

"I only told Ollie and Milo, that's it." She surrendered her hands. "Why wouldn't you want people to know anyway? This is Travis Ortiz we're talking about. Girls brag about banging him when in reality, they haven't even said one word to him."

"Because it invites fewer questions." I answered in a no-nonsense tone.

"You and your damn questions," Scarlett murmured under her breath that I chose to ignore.

Instead, I changed the topic. "So, Ollie, you nervous about meeting Scar's parents? That's a pretty big step."

Scarlett threw her head back, her curls falling behind her shoulders, and laughed. "They're going to rip him to pieces. I can't wait." She rubbed her manicured hands mischievously.

I had to stifle a laugh once I caught Ollie's expression. Poor boy looked scared half to death. "That makes me feel so much better, baby."

Scarlett left a big, smacking kiss on his temple. "I'm kidding. They're going to love you, just like I do." Then she grimaced, "Well, I hope not in the same way but you get the point."

I studied Oliver as he stared up at Scarlett with a look on his face that one could only describe as loving. Glancing away, I smiled at the bolstering students in the hall, wondering what it must feel like to be in a committed relationship. I'd never met the parents of previous ex-boyfriends because they'd never cared to—I would have... if I had a set of my own. Instead, they received menacing threats from Cameron.

At that same moment, Travis ambled by the table I occupied, dropping me a quick wink as he went. I nodded back, and desperately ignored the fluttering in my stomach just by seeing him.

My attempt to avoid the subject around Travis came to no avail. "I heard he's going on a date with Emily Hawthorne. She's been pining for him ever since freshman year." No surprise there since Emily Hawthorne—the most popular girl in junior year—would naturally pine for whom else, other than Travis.

"Oh?" I took a bite out of my sandwich, appearing to be mildly curious.

"He never told you?" Ollie queried, brows furrowed.

My eyes darted. "We don't exactly talk." Scarlett and Ollie eerily rolled their eyes simultaneously. "Anyway," I quickly added, "it's not in my interest."

"No," Scarlett disagreed, frowning, "think about it, Maddie. If they continue to date, it effectively ends what you have with him." She pointed out correctly.

I hadn't thought about that. It circled restlessly in my mind before I finally concluded, "Travis doesn't date. It's what he's known for. Why I chose him."

Scarlett looked worried. "Madeline, you can't seriously be naïve enough to think he won't want a girlfriend someday?"

I looked to both of them. Yes, Travis might start dating; it might even be with Emily. He could date who he wants, see who he wants—it won't bother me. Oliver and Scarlett didn't understand that though, because they didn't know me through-and-through. So to them, it seemed as if I'd have a hard letting him go when the time came. But I wasn't attached in any sense. If I had to walk away, I would lose nothing. Besides, that was semantics. For all I knew, Travis at this very moment was single. And that worked out well for our terms.

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