Hello, Temptation.

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            "What's it you got there?"

I could feel a hot breath wash over my neck, and a strong odor of cologne drifted up to my nose. Dustin.

I quickly shut the green box that had been painted with tiny white flowers around it, and with my name right on top in pretty blue cursive. My favorite colour. I wondered if he had did all that, and where he had gotten the time.

"Woah, no need to spaz. It's not like you got drugs in there, right?"

He joked, and I let out a force laughed, before shoving the box back into my locker. "Of course not. What are you doing, anyway?"

He looked at me oddly. "Walking to class. Is that a crime?"

"No, of course not. Sorry." I mumbled and began to walk to class, when Dustin grabbed my wrist, yanking me back to where he stood.

"Are you okay?" His eyes searched my face. I refused to meet his lingering stare, instead I pulled my hands out of his grip.

I didn't know why I was acting like this. Everything just felt a lot weirder today. With talking to Dustin. My all previous thoughts of him being cute were mixed up. Was it because Gage and I's bond was getting stronger?

I could feel the mark tingling, spreading a weird warmth through my body. And my senses heightened.

Speak of the devil.

I looked over my shoulder to see Gage approaching us. My stomach fluttered at his appearance. Did he look more handsome today, or was it just me?

He wore a pair of dark washed jeans that hugged his calfs and thighs, showing off the powerful structure of his lower body, on the top, he wore a plain black T-shirt that also hugged at his muscles. His hair was perfectly messy, and his eyes were lighter than ever. Did he look like a God or what?

He smiled at me, showing off another perfect feature of his. Pearly white teeth.

I smiled back and nervously tucked a stray of hair behind my ear, suddenly feeling self conscious about my appearance.

I looked down at my clothes, I was wearing another sloppy outfit. Just a long sleeved shirt, a pair of jeans, converse, and my hair pulled up into a bun. Maybe Gabby was right. I really did need  a fashion make over.

"Hey Ray."

Oh my god, he's standing right in front of me, what the hell do I do?

What the hell was up with me today? Seriously, Ray?

Stop acting like such a teenage girl and just say hello, dumbass!

"Hi," I squeaked. So much for not acting like a teenage girl. Pull yourself together!

His grin seemed to spread out even wider once he noticed the effect he had on me. "Did you get the box?"

I nodded, making sure to clear my throat before I spoke. "Yeah. I did. Did you paint it, the box, I mean?"

Gage shoved his hands in his pocket, and nodded. "Yup.. It's not bad, isn't it? It was late, so-"

I cut him off ever so quickly. "Don't be silly. It's beautiful. Thank you."

"It's the least I can do," He turned to walk away, but stopped looking back at me. "I'll see you at the party. Later."

I waggled my fingers at him, signaling a goodbye, a geek-ish smile coating my lips.

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