Dead End.

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This is dedicated to badasssandwich45x for making me the, awesome, new story banner! Thank you so much! (:




     A mixture of sensations hit me like a train when I felt his canines dig deeper into my flesh. I let out a breathless gasp as the bliss pounded down on me, and I found myself begging for more as I gripped tighter onto his leather jacket, bathing in his heat.




No way. Love? Was that what I was feeling? Of course not..this was all just sexual attraction. Right? Maybe it was love..

God damn it, this whole marking thing really did make your head spin.

Just at the thought, a breathless moan left my lips. I was shocked I could even produce such a..weird sound.

I could feel Gage's smirk, and the cocky vibe that echoed off him like a bass.  But at that moment, it didn't bug me.

Because I felt so good. So completed. Like all my sins had been washed away, like I could tell Gage anything.

Like that god awful voice that taunted me couldn't touch me. Because Gage would protect me. And holy shit, did that sound corny or what?

I pushed myself closer to Gage, molding our hips together as my eyes slowly closed. I bathed myself in this feeling.

And then, slowly, the bliss slipped from my fingers, only to be replaced with a heart pounding rush. That silk comforted had returned, but not only wrapping around me, but him, too.

It was scary how mating was so powerful. How it could bring the most different people together. How had the Gods put me with somebody so perfect, yet, so imperfect. Was it luck? Was it fate?

Was it a fluke?

"No, it wasn't." I heard him mumble against my skin, if it weren't for my sensitive hearing, I may have never comprehended what he was uttering to me. Seeing as his teeth were sunken into my fucking flush.

Slowly, I felt the canines slowly retract back, and he moved his head to look at me. My eyes caught sight of his bright blue ones that glowed. And the crimson red droplet that slowly drizzled down the side of his mouth. Was it wrong that I found that so hot?

"It wasn't a fluke, Ray. We were meant for each other, don't you see that?" He rasped, and leaned his forehead against mine, our noses touching.

"How'd you know what I was thinking?"

"I don't know..It was weird, when I was..errr, marking you, I just could hear every thought."

Every thought? My stomach knotted in sickness at the thought. What if he could have heard more then just what I was thinking at that moment?

I started to pull away from his hold on me, when he just gripped me tighter.

"Ray," He let out a deep, and not to mention, sexy growl as he pushed me tighter against him. Fight it, Ray, fight it!

"Gage, we..can't. I can't even believe you marked me, jackass! What am I gonna say when they smell you on me, non the less, see the mark?"

"Why do you always have to ruin the moment?"

"Because we can't stay in a fantasy land. And, first off, were not even supposed to be having a 'moment'! We're supposed to hate each other, Gage! People who hate each other don't make out!"

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