Poisonous Kisses.

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My eyes shut, and his finger tips trailed down the side of my face, leaving a tingly sensation in it's path.

I couldn't believe what had just happened seconds ago. I had kissed Gage. Gage Bardsley. Oh my god..

"Don't regret it, please."

His silk voice whispered into my ear, and his lips brushed the corner of my mouth. I was tempted to kiss him once again. I don't think I'd ever felt something so powerful like that before, and honestly, I was scared.

You're probably saying, 'Your scared of having feelings for a guy that's insanely hot?' And the answer is fuck yes.

I knew once I let him in, he'd hold my heart in the palm of his hand. Crushing it, or throwing it aside whenever he pleased.

What if I grew to attached? What if the connection between us stopped me from leaving? I knew I needed to stop this. Yet, I didn't.



My voice was barely above a whisper as my eyes fluttered open. Bad idea.

Immediately, I was caught up in his blue eyes. I bit my lip. I felt like such a idiot. Like such a stupid little teenage girl.

Then again, I was a stupid little teenage girl.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"


He laughed quietly at my blunt response, but  I didn't. I couldn't even if I tried.

My mind was a whirl, and so was the sensations I was feeling. My lips felt numb and so was my body, almost like his kiss had been poison, slowly slipping me into a blissful haze.

His kisses were like toxic.

"Come on, take you back home."

He whispered, and I nodded my head. He brought one arm under my knee, while he wrapped the other around my mid-section. He hoisted me off the ground, and began walking, in silence.

All I could hear was the leaves that crunched under his feet, and the sway of it all. And all I feel, was the cold wind.

I snuggled closer to him, pressing my cold nose into his warmth. His arms tightened around me.

"It's cold," I mumbled into his neck, he nodded.

"I know, don't worry, I'm almost there."

Almost as if on cue, I could hear the crunch on the gravel beneath his feet, and I knew we were close.

I removed my face from his neck, and looked to the house, where the lights in the house hummed into the dark night. Was Ava in there?

My stomach churned, a sickening feeling crept in my throat at the thought of her. Oh my god. Ava. Gage. They were together! I had just kissed her boyfriend. Sure, that was the best revenge you could get on a girl, but did Gage think I was some fucking booty call?

I didn't wanna be that girl. The one he went to when Ava wasn't in the mood. What if he was using me?

My thoughts were silenced once the door opened, and closed with a shut. I took a glance around the room, seeing nothing but furniture and the dim lights. Was nobody here?

"Where is everybody?" I mumbled, and turned to look up at Gage. He shrugged. And continued up the stairs, leading me to his room.

We reached the brown door, and he opened it with a soft creek.

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