Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hope didn't sleep a wink that night, after Castiel had dropped her back in the room he had left saying he had "serious business to attend to". Leaving Hope in a dark room with two sleeping men, alone. So she did what any rational person would do, she used the motel stationary to draw them.

"Hope, that's just creepy", Dean said, waking up at 9:00am to find her still drawing.

Hope didn't understand, she was drawing him, how was that creepy? "I don't see how".

"Ah, just like Cas...", he mumbled, pulling on a shirt.

"Who is like me?", chirped Castiel, appearing in the room. He held a small white box in his hands and had the grin of a proud seven year old. "I got you something, Hope", he said, handing the gift over.

"What's that for?", Dean asked from his bed.

Cas smiled widely, "Hope mentioned yesterday that it was her birthday. I thought I would participate in the human tradition of gift giving". He was watching Hope as her as she undid the thick ribbon.

"It's beautiful...", she breathed, staring at the silver necklace nestled in the box. It was a thin silver chain with a small pendant in the shape of two outstreched wings, the wings were made of some unknown crystal. They were black, but shimmered a thousand different colours in the light. Castiel helped Hope put it on, and she turned around, pulling the angel in for a warm hug,

"They look just like yours", she told him smiling. Castiel just blushed, and when Hope gave him a kiss on the cheek his face turned so red he looked almost purple.

"What's all this?", Sam asked groggily from his bed, catching the shirt Dean chucked to him.

Dean smirked, "We're going out for a bit. Hope, you stick with Cas". A minute later he had left with a, now fully clothed but still grumbling, Sam in tow.


The boys returned a couple hours later, the shiny Impala pulling up outside the cheap motel room with a soft roar. Both Sam and Dean wore identical smug smiles, though Sam's looked a little exasperated whenever he looked at his older brother.

"Hello", Hope greeted as they strolled through the door, untangling her hand from Castiel's to wave. She looked totally at ease, but Cas scooted over on the couch, looking embaressed at being cought holding hands. Dean ignored it and crossed the room in two steps, rescuing his bag from where it had been thrown on the floor,

"We're gonna leave soon, we're heading over to Bobby's. You coming?", Dean said, grabbing his clothes and stuffing them into his bag.

Hope got up and nodded, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" She would have packed her bag usually, but when Cas picked her up yesterday all she had brought was herself. A few minutes later they were ready to roll and Dean, Sam, Hope and, suprisingly, Castiel climbed into the car, setting out for Bobby's. Several long hours later Dean looked at Hope in the rear view mirror with his trademark smirk,

"Sammy, I believe it's time".

Sam grinned, "Definitly". He reached into the glove box and pulled out one rumpled package and a plain wooden box. "These are for you, Hope", he said, handing them over, he twisted around in his seat so he could watch Hope.

"Really?", she asked, and Sam nodded in response. "Wow! I don't remember getting a present before". She opened the crumpled package first, it's brown paper wrapping held on by nothing more than a length of twine. Inside sat a large trenchcoat, just like Castiel's, but considerably cleaner. Hope laughed and even Cas let out a small chuckle.

"If your going to join the team, you're going to need our official angel uniform. Really, how could we have an angel without one?", Sam said, smiling like a proud idiot.

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