Dragon (Hanzo x Reader)

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(You are a young child...)

People had always found you strange. While most children were busy playing games and causing trouble, you preferred to sit alone on the mountainside and watch the sky.

Hours could pass peacefully with nothing but you and the clouds billowing and shaping into creatures only you could recognize

Another day and again you sat on the lush grass and watched as the clouds rolled over the beautiful spring sky when suddenly and deep voice broke the peaceful silence.

"Child, what are you doing here all alone?" In front of you appeared a giant blue dragon, his scales shining brilliantly in the daylight, his noble dark eyes watching you with a mix of interest and concern.

"I'm watching the clouds," you answer, pointing to the sky like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The dragon briefly turned his attention to the clouds before looking back at you.

"It's not safe for a child to be in the mountains all alone..." He said bluntly, making you giggle.

"I'm not alone! You're here with me!" You point out childishly.

The dragon thought for a moment, "I suppose I am." He sighed, resting himself against the rocky surface of the mountain side.

Days continued to pass where you and the blue dragon would watch the clouds. He wouldn't say much, but when he did you would listen. Seasons past with nothing more than you, the dragon and the clouds.

Then one day, the dragon disappeared. You went to the same place you had always been, but he was never there.

Without the dragon to accompany you it wasn't long before you stopped going to see the clouds. And after that it wasn't much longer before days spend with the dragon faded into nostalgic memories, like a good dream that remained in the back of your mind to recall in times when you needed a good memory.

(Many years later)
(Hanzo P.O.V)

Hanzo frowned as he walked towards the small mountain village. People and animal bustled around in an all too familiar aura that reminded him of the village that girl had lived in long ago.

Often times he would think about that strange girl that sat alone on then mountainside to watch the clouds.

He wondered if the child remembered him. Of coarse she would not recognize his new human form, but he wondered if she remembered the blue dragon that would sit and watch the sky with her, protecting her from the world below.

So lost in thought he barely noticed when he crashed strait into a girl sending her stumbling backwards.

"I'm sorry!" She stammered, adjusting the heavy load of supplies she wore on her back, a sheepish smile spreading across her face.

Hanzo paused, something about her smile sending him back to happier days, but shook off the feeling.

"I'm sorry," he bowed slightly, "please, allow me to help you with that." He motioned to the supplies she carried.

"Oh, you're too kind she gushed," her face tinted with the slightest shade of red as Hanzo slung heavy pieces of equipment over his broad shoulders.

(Your P.O.V)

You knew you should let a stranger take all your work, but for some reason you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something familiar about this man.

"Where do you need to take these?" He asked, shifting slightly under the supplies' weight.

"Just to my house." You say, your cheeks heating up slightly as you turn and head in the direction of your house.

The stranger followed you as you lead him up the mountainside until you reached a small clearing littered with dead underbrush and grass as nature welcomed in winter. The same clearing you came to to see the blue dragon all those years before.

You didn't know why the dragon had disappeared, but the clearing still brought back memories you wished would never fade from your mind.

"Here we are!" You smile, turning to face the stranger.

He had a look on his face that was almost unreadable, but when his gaze landed on your eyes everything become simple.

Those dark, majestic eyes were the same ones you stared into so long ago, the same eyes you had loved and missed so much.

You had found your dragon.

A/n: I don't know what the #@&$ I'm writing... Hopefully it was OK enough

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