please... read this

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Important Author's note

Okay guys, First for all of you readers who are still with me and still reading when I update, thank you. Thank you for the comments, and for staying with it, and for the support. There are plenty of silent readers but hey, you're still showing me support just by reading it. Again, thank you.

Secondly, I know you guys want an update, and trust me it will happen soon. The next part is in the works, I just have to finish it and decide where I would like to go from there. So yeah, if you guys have any thoughts on where you think this story is heading, or where you want it to go, feel free to message me or comment. I see them all, and most of the time I reply back.

This update hasn't happened because I've been busy. I know, I know, everyone's busy. I've got school which I know you've all heard before, and I got a new job, which I'm trying to get the hang of. And there's just a lot on my plate. My mom is going through something a little rough, along with my grandparents, and there's a lot to deal with.

However, bringing up school reminds me, and this is the most important part of this little note. I have been writing, just not this story. See, I'm in a creative writing class, and we had to start something fresh, and that's what I did. So my new story, which I still have to finish, is now in the works of being published here. If you don't mind, I would like it and appreciate it if you all want on to my profile clicked that story and gave it a go. It's definitely different from this, and I think most people will like it. So please check it out, read it, and let me now what you think.

Thank you again, and new update for MWMBB, will be out as soon as its ready for you're eyes.

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