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Sharon's kisses always have meaning behind them even when it's just a hello or goodbye kiss. She'll kiss any part of your body she can reach but her favourite place to kiss you is your neck because she knows it's what sends shivers down your spine.

Bianca's kisses are always different but they are all very loving. Sometimes she'll just gives you little loving pecks and other times they're full on passionate make out sessions. Although Bianca isn't in to PDA she'll always give a kiss on the forehead when you're in public.

Adore's kisses are playful and loving but she always seems to kiss you when you least expect it and when she does It turns into a game to see who can give the other the best kiss. Adore loves it when you're playful kisses turn into rough needy kisses as she always likes to be the center of your attention.

Courtney's kisses are always passionate and hot, She likes to kiss you in front of everyone to show them that she is yours and you are hers. Even when she's busy writing music she still gives you a little meaningful kiss to show that she's still thinking of you even when she's busy.

Alaska's kisses are very long and needy she always places her hands either sides of your head and pulls you into her. You can't choose which kiss with Alaska is the best because they are always amazing and make you feel very wanted.

Willam's kisses are hard and very sexual she wants you to feel how much she loves and wants you, each kiss has the same amount of passion and love in them. Willam's kisses you at any chance she has and her kisses always leave you wanting more.


So this is my first Drag Queen preferences I hope you like it, The next chapter will be about the male side of these queens.

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