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I look down at the watch on my wrist. Five minutes left before the plane takes off and I'm halfway across the airport. I start running towards the plane, half dragging half carrying my bag along with me.

It was huge and probably weighed fifty pounds. I was going to California for two weeks to visit my dad and his family. I lived in New York in my own small apartment because I was going to college there.

I gave the flight attendant my ticket and got off with ten seconds to spare. I then went to find my seat.

It was in the way back and there was already someone sitting in the window seat. Thank the gods, I hated sitting so close to the window.

The person was a boy about my age with messy back hair and gorgeous sea green eyes that you could get lost in. He was probably about a foot taller than me.

When I sat down he gave me a big teeth showing smile and let me just say that his teeth could blind someone with how white they were.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth," I said smiling back at him.

"Percy, it's nice to meet you."

I put my bag up on the railing and got comfortable. He starts talking again.

"So are you afraid of flying? I'm terrified of it but I'm going to see my step sister for the first time so I'm doing it anyways." He laughs.

"It's actually not that bad I think but you get used to it. This is like my fifth time. My dad lives in California so I go to visit him often." I reply.

He smiles again. God, his smile is so cute.

"Yeah my mom lives in California too, she used to live in New York but she got a job offer there but I stayed to go college here." He tells me.

"Me too! I go to college here in New York. I wonder why I've never seen you before."

He shrugs, " It's a big college." And then he smiles again. He smiles a lot I notice.

And that's how I met my best friend, through an airplane flight.

Omg I'm so sorry this is horrible but I don't have anything atm so I'm posting this.
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