Forever Together

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Rick Riordan owns all the characters

Annabeth was laying on her bed sketching a picture of her dream last night when he came and plopped down on the bed next to her. Annabeth looked over at him and saw the dark circles under his eyes.

"Tough day?" She asked, his eyes were shut.

"No it was fantastic." A smile lit up his face and his eyes opened and rested on her. "I'm just exhausted." He scooted closer so his side touched her side. "What are you drawing?" He sat up and looked at the page before grinning. She blushed tomato red.

"I dreamt about our wedding last night and I couldn't get it out of my head so I thought I would draw it." I explained. "I don't know why I saw it you haven't even asked me yet."

"Yet." Percy said kissing her red flaming cheeks. "I haven't asked you yet, but I will." Annabeth peeked up at him through her lashes.

"When?" His eyes widened in surprised.

"I didn't know you wanted me to asked when we're this young."

"I don't know," She said looking down at her picture. "I thought I didn't and then I remember it's you and I think about how nice it would be and how the comfort of being married could be. And I know I don't ever want to be without you, I just-." Annabeth blushed harder. " I don't know."

"Why are you being so hesitant?" Percy asked quietly, she could hear the smile in his voice.

"Percy, I'm nervous. We haven't ever talked about marriage before." I say.

"That's so unlike you." He smiled and announced. "I like it when you blush." She glared at him.

"Are you trying to change the subject?" He sighed.

"Annabeth you know how I feel about you. You know I want to marry you." Percy set his eyes on her. " I just don't understand how someone like you could want someone like me."

"Percy I promise that I'll never leave you. I tell you I love you every day don't I?" She rested her fingertips against his cheek, their eyes meeting.

"I want to wake up to you every day and I want you to be the first person I see every morning, I want to kiss you every day, and I want us to grow old together. Percy, please listen, I want to marry you."

"Then let's do." Percy said his tone serious, his green eyes clear. "Let's get married."

For a split second, Annabeth stared at him then, after she saw no sarcasm, she threw her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips to his in the process. The kiss started to get more and more heated as Annabeth opened her mouth and Percy wrapped his arms around her waist. "I didn't even have to asked you." Percy kissed her again.

"Yes you do."

"You already said yes."

"Technically, I didn't."

Percy kissed her and wispered in her ear. "I'm sorry I took your throwing your arms around me and kissing me senseless as a yes."

"Percy get on one knee and ask me like a man." She pushed him away. He narrowed his eyes.

"Why?" Annabeth ignored him. "Are you going to make me ask you?"

"Well that would be quite a lovely sight." He smiled.


Annabeth nodded sarcastically. "It would also be a lovely sight if I told Nico, Grover, Jason, and Leo that you didn't have the guts to do it yourself."

"You wouldn't." His eyes narrowed as he looked at her with his sea green eyes.

"I would," without another word Percy slid of the bed and got on one knee. Annabeth suppressed her triumphant grin as she sat up before him on the bed.


"Yes, Percy?"

"Be serious, baby." Percy closed his eyes for a few seconds, when he opened them they were the brightest shade of green she had ever seen. They were glowing and only showing love and devotion for her. Annabeth was speechless  as it actually became real in her mind that it was happening, tears started to fill her eyes as he started .

"Annabeth Chase." Percy rose a hand and with his thumb he gently removed a fallen tear from her cheek.

"Before I met you, my life was boring and dull and then I came and met you at camp and you made my life complete. You were my best friend forever and I never noticed you liked me when I liked you." He says.

"I just thought I was to geeky and not your type (see what I did there?) but I should have just asked you at the beginning because we could've had more of this but I didn't so I'm sorry but now I can spend the rest of my life with you, so Annabeth Chase will you marry me?" Annabeth was nodding before he even finished, she cupped her hands around her face and and mumbled a, "yes Percy," against his mouth as they kissed.

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