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"Matthew, Bobby stop running in the house!" I yell desperately at the two younger boys that are my brothers. Why did I agree to babysit them again?

I pick up my phone from it's place on the kitchen counter and dial the number I've memorised.

"Can you come over?"

-one hour and twenty minutes later-

"He said he would be here twenty minutes ago!" I yell out loud to myself, causing the two younger boys to give me weird looks.

I ignore them as I open the front door, a big gush of wind taking its place, pushing me back a little. Walking out onto the cement sidewalk I shiver, realizing I shouldn't have left without shoes on. Or without a jacket on.

I couldn't help it through, as much as I hated to admit it, I was scared. He said he would be here twenty minutes ago and only the gods could know what could have happened to him.

He could just be running a little late, he usually is. But on the other hand he could be hurt, kidnapped again knowing our luck. I don't think there's one god that particularly likes him, besides maybe his father, Poseidon.

But then again he could be dea-.

I stop myself from thinking about that at all. Instead I think about how much fun we'll have to tonight and how I haven't seen him in over twenty four hours. What? He's my boyfriend, I'm aloud to miss him.

I take one last glance at the ocean settled by my house and let my feet carry me inside.

Just as I put my hand on the door handle to open the door I hear a familiar voice make its way towards me.

"Wise Girl, wait up!" I hear him yell from the sandy beach. Before I know it he's standing in front of me.

"Sorry I'm late, you know how my mom is when she knows I'm going to see you."

Yes I do know. She turns into a full fangirl, I honestly think she's more of a percabeth shipper then Piper sometimes.

I slap my hand across his chest. Not hard, but not very gentle either.

"I was so worried about you!" I yell, anger taking over all the worry I felt for him.

"I didn't know where you were, or if something had happened to you!" I finish, my face red.

Instead of his face turning into fear of me like it usually does when I'm angry with him, a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. Then he's full out smiling.

"I didn't think you would worry that much." He chuckles. Grabbing my hand he turns and walks into the house.

"We have some babysitting to do, don't we?" He asks. Losing all of my anger towards him, I smile. I'm always going to have worry about him, aren't I? But I guess that's why I'm here, to make sure he doesn't get himself killed.

Yay another one shot!
I want to thank all of you for taking the time to read my stories, it really means a lot to me that people actually like my writing because to me it just sounds like a bunch of random words strung together that don't make sense. But once again thank you! I'm so close to 2k reads! Thank you!

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