Its a Boy No It's a Girl

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
I rolled over and her spot was cold. I sat up getting up out of bed. I could see her standing outside leaning against the rail on the deck. The door was already opened letting the cool air blow in. She was as beautiful as ever with her hair blowing in the wind.

  I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her growing stomach. I placed my chin on her head. She leaned back into me. "What are you doing out here?" I ask in a wisper. "Thinking." She replies. "Of course you are when are you not? But you should try to relax, we don't want to put any stress on you because that doctor said that it's not heathy." I say concerned.

  "Did you really hear that from the doctor or from all the books you made us buy?" I laughed. "I wanted to be prepared and as they say better safe than sorry." I say smiling. She laughs making her smile even more gorgeous. I get down on my knees placing my hands on the sides of her stomach resting my head against her. "What do you think little one? Was it a good idea to buy those book?" We both listen.

  "She said it was." I give her a smug look. "He. He's going to be a he." She says back. "I still think a girl would amazing, two Annabeths running around the house." I tell her. "It's going to be a boy." She says stubbornly. "We can argue about this tomorrow but for now we should get inside before we freeze." I say before taking her inside and going to bed.

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