Chapter 15

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I woke up with a start due to banging on my door. I look around and see that the bedroom is a mess. Entire box of Kleenex is on the floor with tissues everywhere. My clothes from yesterday are also scattered in this mess. I get up from the bed and walk towards the door because the banging has now increased.

When I open the door I see Victor and Emily with my kids. The four of them are in their jammies. Victor and Emily looked relieved while my kids look are looking up at me with an innocent I have no idea look. "Hey" I say to Victor and Emily as I bent down and picked up my kids and kissed their foreheads. As soon as they were in my arms their hands grabbed my hair and started pulling and playing with my hair. Since I was used to them playing with my hair, it didn't really hurt.

"Dad was waiting outside for like 15 minutes. I've been here for five.What were you doing? " Emily suddenly asks. I had completely forgotten that they were there as well. "Nothing just sleeping. I was really tired" I replied with a shrug. Emily looked at me as if I was lying, both of them looked at me from head to toe assesing me to see I was lying or not well I wasn't.

Victor looked like he believed me but Emily was still trying to figure it out. "Well I'll leave you girls to it" Victor said and kissed the twins on their heads and left while Emily decided to come into my room and closed the door.

She still looked at me warily and seemed to ask me something but I chose to ignore it. "Did you have fun with Grandpa and Grandma? Did you miss mommy?" I asked my little babies while bouncing them as I walked towards the bedroom. But as I entered the room I regretted it because it was a mess and Emily will go crazy.

As soon as Emily entered the room behind me I knew I was in trouble. She was quiet at first looking around the room. I was dreading of what was about to come. I put my kids down. Aria trotted towards the place we kept all their toys while Avery crawled behind his sister. Emily was still looking around and got ready for a confrontation. "Why is the entire box of Kleenex empty and on the floor?" she asks carefully. I walk and sit on the bed not really sure how to answer that question and glance towards my babies to see if they are okay.

"I got up early to ask you about yesterday. And when I came out I saw dad out with the kids. What happened yesterday? Did something happened with Kai if it did then I swear i'm gonna kill him"she said. "No nothing happened we just had coffee and I came back early because I was not feeling well. Hence the tissues." I lie to her. She raises her eyebrows and gives me a are you kidding me look. Well now that I think of it my excuse is pretty lame. If I was sick then I should be sick now as well. "Okay I'll tell you but promise me that you will not freak out. Promise" I said with conviction. "Okay" she replied carefully. "I umm kind of did something that you would kill me for." I said as if I am committing a crime to my mother. She just looked at me signaling me to continue.

"I umm kissed Austin" I stuttered.

I looked at her waiting for her to react but she just looked at me with no emotions. "I'm sorry did you say you kissed Austin. As in your ex husband Austin and not Kai the guy you went out with."

"Well technically I did not go out with him. We were inside in the kitchen just having coffee and it wasn't a date just FYI, and I don't want to talk about it anymore." I interrupted her.

"Fine but still you took the kitchen duty because you wanted to avoid the guy but now your telling me you guys sucked each others face off. Its just you know crazy and difficult to take in" she says dubiously. I was about to tell her that it was a one time but was suddenly distracted with a shrill cry. I looked onto my left and saw that Aria was on the floor crying and Avery had her toy. Apparently Avery took her toy and pushed her. I went towards her and picked her up and started bouncing her up and down kissing her forehead. I looked towards her brother "Avery you should not do that. Both of you have the same toys you don't have to snatch it from your sister" I say sternly even though he wouldn't understand a single thing and just as I thought he wouldn't he was busy playing with them. I let out sigh looked over Aria whose head was now rested on my shoulder her cries turning into whimpers.

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