Chapter 14

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Austin's POV

Apart from my thoughts about Charllote , I've had a tough time thinking about anything else. Ever since we bumped into each other on the beach heck ever since I saw her in california its like all those bundled up feelings are some how trying to resurface. I don't know how to handle all of it. Its like I see her and the love for her suddenly comes back but suddenly I realise what she did to me and it becomes too much. Apart from bumping into her on the beach I did not see her. Well that is also because I am living at my family's place and she is at Henery's place.

Ava is being a little moody and frankly too clingy lately. When we were having lunch yesterday she started behaving like a bitch and started sending her food back and judging from the looks of my friends and brother i got during that was that they were NOT pleased at all. I'm just thankful that my mom has not arrived yet or she would have killed me would be an understatement. Anyways Ava had a shoot so she left this morning and Henery had invited me,Milo,Theo over to just hangout today.

When I arrived at Henery's place I know that Charllote is in there somewhere.

When I get in I am informed that all the guys are in the patio. We all are having drinks. When I reach there everyone is either drinking whiskey or beer. I take a seat next to Henery who is drinking a beer, "Hey man, how are you holding up" I ask him while taking a long sip of my beer. "Fine, all the girls are having their shower or whatever, which reminds me that there is this new club that has opened up so you in for tomorrow cause I know all the girls will be tired yesterday?", "Yeah I'm in Ava comes back tomorrow as well so she'll be in as well." He just nods. I know that nobody from my friend circle really like Ava. I mean even I did not like her to begin with but now its just, well frankly speaking I don't even know why I am with her. Earlier we used to hang out with her because she was friends with Charllote but now its because of me.

Thinking of Charllote brings back memories. As much as I like to forget her I can't. After seeing her that day I can't stop thinking about her and the kids. Looking out into the ocean I start thinking that if she had not cheated on me we would have been together and would have had a family she would have been here with me instead of Ava. I take the last sip of my beer and notice that everyone is quiet and lost in their own thoughts. I see that we are out of beer so I get up to get some for me.

" Austin dude where are you going?" Hernery asks me as I near the door. "Just out of beer so I'm just gonna get me some more", "I'll come but I seriously can't have some because if I get wasted today or during this whole week Amelia will bust my ass." He tells me as we make our way towards the kitchen. "Oh which reminds me that Milo will be moving into your place. Man yesterday he got drunk while drinking wine, yes Wine that to 2 glasses and then started whining about how he's gonna end up alone and in his room he put Kanye West on and started wrapping his songs the whole night. You have no idea how I got him to sleep so now its your turn." "Fine but I am only doing this because its your wedding and I saw that he was on his second right now." As we are nearing the kitchen Henery's phone starts ringing, " Its Amelia you go ahead I'll be here", "Dude you are so whipped" I snicker, "Shut up" he says and picks up the phone while I make my way towards the kitchen laughing really loudly. When I entered the kitchen I swear I had a heart attack.

Charllote and whats his name were sitting next to each other and drinking I think coffee. My laughter dies down and I notice that only the two of them are here. I dread to think of what the hell is happening between the two. I just can't stand the guy. I've noticed that he hovers around Charllote like a lost poodle. Frankly he makes me sick. I narrow my eyes and make eye contact with both while making my way to the refrigerator both of them don't say anything but just keep staring at me. When I take a bottle I close it but take small steps since I don't want to leave both of them alone. But unfortunately reach the door. Returning back to my friends I can't think of anything but her with him. It makes my blood boil. I keep reminding myself that she was responsible for us to breakup but all I can see is red. I know this feeling because it is the feeling I used to get when I used to see her talking to a guy who was not me while we were dating as well as married. Getting this intense jealous feeling I can't think straight. I try to cool myself by drinking beer but it does nothing. Unable to control it I decide to go to back home. I get up and start walking back.

I see Charllote and before I can control myself I push her towards the wall and crash my lips with her. At first she is shocked but after a few seconds she starts responding and thats I that I needed. My hands start moving up and down her body. I lick her lips seeking entrance but she denies so I move my hands down to her thighs and lift her up. She gasps and I let my tongue slip in. She wraps her legs around my waist. I can't think straight and just want to loose myself in her. I was so caught up in our make out session when she suddenly pushed me away and walked away.

I wasn't thinking straight and I could not get Charllote out of my head. I decided to go for a drive just to clear my thoughts. I texted Henery that I was going out and to drop Milo off later cause I knew that he would be hammered by then.

I got into my car and started driving. All those feelings that I had once which I had promised myself to ever and had buried deep inside of me were starting to resurface and I do not have any idea of what to do. Its a good thing that Ava is coming back. She's a really good distraction and I desperately need one.

Amelia's POV

OH MY GOD!! I just saw something that I can ever unsee. After Emily and Charllote have entered our lives everyone has been acting weirdly. Well everyone always acted really weirdly except Henery. And now I saw Charllote and Austin making out.

I was on my way to see Henery when I saw them. They were so caught up in themselves that they did not notice anything around them. I mean I knew that something was up with the two of thhem but I thought it was delusional and it was a one time thing but now I just don't know anymore.

I moving towards the patio and I see everyone. I grab Henery by his arm and drag him inside. He was busy texting someone before but I don't care right now I just want to get some answers right now. "Okay whats wrong babe I was just texting Victoria she says that the bridal shower was pretty amazing." he says. "What is going on with Austin and Charllote ?" I ask him and without any hesitation. His smile fades away "Um.. Why...What are you talking about. There is nothing going on between them. Why would you think that?" , "Why? Because I saw them making out in front of the kitchen thats why. Enough of all the bullshit alright just tell okay" I tell him in my no nonsense voice. "Okay but don't mention this to Austin Kay." I just nod because now I am dreading of what he'll tell me. "Charllote is Austin's exwife"

He tells me all about how she used him and cheated on him and how Ava showed him the real Charllote. Its just crazy. " You know that all of you are all hypocrites. I mean first you tell me that Ava is always full of shit so never believe her and now you tell me that all if you believed her. I cannot accept it. She is a good person and judging by her character she could never do that." I will not believe what Henery just said to me she is a good human being anyone can clearly see that.

"Look I know it seems farce but she had proof so we had to. Charllote was also a good friend of mine but Austin is my best friend since kindergarten. He was there for me when I had hit rock bottom so I just could not abandon him just because I fought he was wrong. I mean we all had seen the proof so what could have been done." He saw that I wasn't budging and was just standing there and staring at him. I could not belateve him. "You should believe what you feel is right. But for what its worth I am really happy that Charllote has dine so good for herself. Come on hobey we are getting married please don't be like this" he says hugging and kissing my forehead.

"Fine" I say since I could not be mad at him for so long."So how was the shower?" He asks me and just like that all my thoughts about Charllote and Austin vanished and I started thing about our ceremony and dress and everything. It got me stressed as well as excited. Emily and Charllote had done such an amazing job I can't wait to see what they designed for the ceremony and reception.



So sorry for the late update. I did not know how to write this chapter. Next chapter will be updated by next week sometime.
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