Chapter 3

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"What was going on down there one minute your like this is really good for us and as soon as they arrived your mouth just got shut." she says in an exasperated manner. And for a minute or two we both are just staring at each other. Suddenly Emily says "well?". And I just blurt out "That was Henery East." "What?" she says in a small voice which is full of recognition of the things that I had told her about. "Henery East, Austin Anders best friend." i said weakly. " oh my god Charlotte I am so sorry, if I would have known I would not have agreed to this deal. You know we can still decline we have a lot of clients, I can call Amelia and say that we are really sorry but we are busy or...." "No, No ,NO" i cut her off and said "this is a really big opportunity for us, and Amelia is your cousin we can't say no to her. I will not let my past affect my future, i can't. I know for sure that he'll be in the wedding part and I don't know how to face him." I can feel tears building up in my eyes and i try to stop them from flowing but fail miserably. "Okay I know this is a lot to ask of you, could you at least show me a photo or something for future so I'll know how to deal with him or them." she says hugging me. i just nod and pick up my laptop and go to the pictures. I try to avoid this wedding folder as much as possible, and click on one photo of us and the entire wedding party and just stare at it. I know Emily is waiting for me to say something but i just need a minute to collect my thoughts. "Well you already know who Henery is and the guy to my left is well Austin. My maid of honor Ava is to the right. Then after Ava is Victoria East(henery's sister), and then Violet Anders(Austin's sister), then on the left of Austin is the best man Henery, and then Theo Anders(Austin's big bro), and then Milo Lawrence.

"They do look like suckers you know? Trust fund babies who would not have succeeded in life if it wasn't for their parents money." Emily said trying to make me smile. "you know after mine and his fight I went to them for help and told them i was pregnant, Henery told me that i was just like the others and was trying to take advantage of him. Austin is his best friend and even though he did not like Ava she would not use him like i did. And when I went to Theo and Victoria cause they are engaged he said that he does not want t interfere in his brothers personal matters and does not want to cause rift between him and Austin and shut the door in my face. Victoria had at first warned me about Ava's intentions but I was the one who had chose to ignore them. She told me that she wanted to help me but i declined her offer because i did not want to cause a rift between her and Theo. Milo was kind enough and told me that he wanted to believe me but apparently the "evidence" is not in my favor and gave me a place to stay for the night without giving me any explanation of what the hell he was talking about. Violet was still at boarding school and Mr. and Mrs. Anders were away on vacation. After the divorce was finalized non of them called to ask me how was I and chose to ignore me, only Violet believed me and called me saying that she wants to help but she was still at school."

When I finished my story and looked over at Emily I could tell that she was furious and I had not realized that tears were streaming down my face and I could not control it and broke down in front of her. She kept my laptop away and started comforting me. And I fell asleep after what felt like hours of crying beside Emily. The next morning I woke up and, I told her that we'll go shopping and from there we'll leave straight to the airport which made her really excited. We checked out and spent hours in stores of Manhattan and by the time we reached the airport i was my normal but tired self again. I was excited to go back to my babies and normal life. Even though in the back of my mind I knew i would have to face Austin pretty soon but right now I chose not to let that worry me and slept the entire flight thinking about Avery and Aria which brought a smile to my face.

We reached LA around 7 cause ours was a direct flight and reached Emily's parents house, the kids were still awake. As soon as i entered they came running to me and i picked them up and hugged them not wanting to ever leave them again for 1 second. Since it was pretty late so we decided to stay the night and take tomorrow off. I put the kids to bed then all of us sat together for dinner. Suddenly Karen said " the babies first birthday is coming up and me and Victor want it to be a grand affair so we want you to host the party here. Before you say no, your like my daughter and they are like my grand kids and i don't want to have it any other way." I got a little emotional and gave them both a hug and agreed to their wish.

Emily and I were neighbors when we were young we weren't that close though our parents were. My parents died in an accident when I was 19 but left me enough money to go through college. Victor and Karen were kind enough to take me in and treated me as their own daughter. Me and Emily bonded after my divorce and now we are like sisters. She is also the god mother of my babies. Since Victor was an investment banker he supported me after my divorce till my business came up. 

This is my new family and i would do anything for them.....


victor and karen's house on the side bar=>

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