Chapter 10

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East Mansion>>>>>


When we reached the East's house, well not a their house but a mansion everybody was tired but giddy. Everybody was in awe of it but I was terrified, after all I had already been here before. The house or mansion next door is much bigger than this and yes it belongs to Austin's family. And the last time I set foot in here it was for a dinner not because I was suppose to work here.

We stopped at the front gate and and everybody started pouring out and were in awe of the house. It looks at least 50 to 60 years old. All of the mansions in south Hamptons are. We are in the Meadow lane which is also known as the Hamptons Billionaires lane. All of the houses here are family properties that have been inherited by the rich spoilt brats of our generation. Even though these mansions looks old I know they all have elevators, helipads, an Olympics size swimming pool and state of the facilities. Its like living at the plaza.

We are all just looking around. I can see most of our staff is taking a selfie when a lady comes out. "hello, I am Cheryl. I am the head housekeeper. Please follow me to the parlor."she says in a British accent. If I recall my memory she isn't the same as last one that was here. But I guess the people who live here have high demands and expectations plus they don't really respect their help so people would have quit their jobs. The parlor was just like last time I was here. The walls are red in color. The furniture is black and white in color. There is a huge chandelier. "wow this is beautiful" Penelope mutters beside me. "I've seen better" I mutter thinking about the next door house. We all are appointed rooms. Usually all of our rooms are towards the east wing of the house. When we reach there, it looks as if it was recently constructed. I have not been to this side of the house considering the last time I was here with Austin and we were here for only lunch.

Emily sneaks up beside me and takes one of the car seats from see. Both the kids are asleep. "Ok I know that as your best friend I am required to hate everything about them, I am sorry but damn I love it here", "Its fine Em you are not entitled to hate everything.", "OK yeah ", we see that our rooms are right next to each other on the left and Penelope's room is towards my right. Victor and Karen's rooms are towards the west wing since they are here as guests. The room is great. Its a suite basically. There is a small kind of living room with a white leather couch a flat screen and a fire place. A small hallway leads us towards the bedroom. There is a queen size bed in the middle. Its nothing special. Across the hall is the bathroom. Since there is no crib so the 3 of us will be sleeping in the same bed. I make a barrier with pillows at the edges of the bed so that the kids don't fall out of the bed. I change their diapers and put them too bed. Since all of us had already had dinner on the way so I just change into my shorts and tank top and get to bed. Its a little uncomfortable but I am used to sleeping like this.    

I wake up around 7 since all of us have to start working by 8. Usually my work is supervising the guests and checking the decorations but in case of this wedding me and Emily have switched roles. So now I am in charge of food, which is basically includes checking that there is enough of it for all people including us as well as managing the waiters. But the bad part is that both of us are responsible for the rehearsal but I am trying not to think of it. I am thinking about wearing a a white blouse shirt with blue jeans and a white and white blazer with black strips and blue pencil heels. Its casual business and since I don't have to meet up with the guests I really don't have to look so good.

  Charllote's Outfit:

  Charllote's Outfit:

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I wake up the kids. Aria ins't a morning kid so she starts screaming and crying her lungs out but Avery just looks at me with his blue eyes. Both have their father's eyes which look grayish green but are actually blue. I have already prepared their bottles so I start feeding both of them Avery latches onto the bottle as soon as it reaches his mouths and stares at me but Aria starts fussing but eventually starts drinking,"You guys are gonna spend the day with grandma and grandpa today"I start cooing them. I bathe them and put them on the floor and put on sesame street on TV,and then take bath and get ready. After doing my makeup which consists of strawberry flavored lip gloss mascara and eye liner. After getting ready I pick my babies up and head towards the West wing. I see that everyone is up and has started working. When I reach the the west wing that its pretty quite as compared to our wing. But it was the guests' wing and most of them were to arrive today. I reached and knocked on their room. Karen opened the door and invited me in. It was bigger than mine. Looking at there faces they seemed to just have woken up. "There they are, did you guys gave trouble sleeping to mommy last night?" she starts talking to them and takes them from me."Thanks for taking care of them Karen", "Oh don't worry dear. Now you go get to work and let the grandparents take care of the kids. Now shoo". She shoves me out of the room.

I start walking towards the kitchen smiling to myself. Near the parlor and front gate talking to her assistant and pointing at her tablet probably giving some orders to her. I stop walking and stand near a french window and start rummaging my purse to take out my phone. While I am searching for my phone I hear purr of a car. I look outside and see a bentley EXP 10 speed 6. The car doors open and two people get out. Who get out make my heart stop. Its Austin and Ava. Ava is wearing a red A line dress with black pumps. She wasn't looking slutty this time and Austin was wearing Khakis with a white shirt and blue v neck sweater. Both his shirt and sweater were rolled up to his elbows. He was looking hot.Both Ava and Austin were wearing Ray ban aviators The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my daze. I realized that I was fangirling. And saw them coming towards the front gate. Just then I realized how close I was to the door. Not wanting to face both Ava and Austin I turned and started walking really fast towards the kitchen.There are 2 kitchens in the house one is where Kai is working and one is where Asher is working and I don't care which kitchen I enter. If it was up to me I would I would have run but it would have looked unprofessional. 

When I reached the kitchen I let out a sigh of relief. That was close, otherwise I would have been caught drooling over my ex-husband. "Hey you okay?"suddenly someone asks and I jump and see that its just Kai who is wearing his chef's clothes."Oh hey, hi yeah I am fine, I am just really stressed and excited about this wedding. "I lie to him."Plus I am running a little late" I add which is kind of true."Okay, well your assistant is outside near the door looking for you" he tells me and gives me one of his charming smiles which may make other woman melt but it does not work on me. I return him my smile and start moving towards the door. "Hey Charllote are you sure your fine because you seem a little jumpy today" he asks me once again. "i'm totally fine." Which I am not. God what is wrong with me I should not be feeling something for him. I should be moving on from him I should not be feeling the same way when I was dating him. Well this wedding will be a disaster. I can't fall for him again after all that he's done to me. And I can't believe that he brought that bitch Ava. This is just great I just wanted a drama free no feelings wedding but, no, and now I am doomed. I am suddenly wanting to go up there to my babies.

Well its a good thing that I swapped roles with Emily because frankly I would not have survived a day with Austin. I can't wait for this wedding to get over. 



Sorry for the late update. I was caught up in something but worry the next update will be by next friday........ . Please vote

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