Chapter 2

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"OMG first class can you believe it, I have a feeling that it'll be a good trip!" Emily kept rambling about this trip and how cool this is for us but all I could think about were my babies. I have never been away from them and now even for a day i feel like my head is going to explode. Even though I know Karen and Victor(Emily's parents) are gonna take good care of them I keep feeling that i should not go and just stay here with them and let Emily handle this meeting but I know that she will need me for the presentation. When we reach the airport we pay the driver and get out. Since we don't have a lot of luggage we decide not to check in. Emily had made me pack a few of my dresses just "in case" we go clubbing cause i haven't been out since I got pregnant. She wants me to check out the "dating scene". 

On the plane we were discussing about the wedding suddenly Emily speaks up "Speaking of the wedding we need to get the gang back". For all the weddings that we've planned we have the same group of people. This group went to college with Emily, and they just accepted me in when I came along. We are basically a family and are always there for each other. They know what everything that had happend to me. "And speaking of that how is Kai, did he ask you out yet?" she asked me. Kai Westin is our caterer and we became close friends after our first event. Apparently he had told everyone in the group that he is interested in me and is planning on asking me out, and this "secret" reached me because Emily has a really big mouth and can't keep secrets form me."No not yet but i'm glad cause i just don't have room for a relationship right now" i said. "OH GOD!!! thats all you ever say whenever I bring up this topic. You know what you should have some fun and thats exactly what we'll do when we reach New York." she said. I just laughed "you do know we are going there to work and not party right." I said in a matter of factly voice. And the rest of the ride we just discussed the presentation.

Once we landed we hailed a cab and reached the hotel. apparently they had booked us a suite so we chose our rooms and I went straight to take a nap. Since we have a dinner meeting at 7 we had plenty of time in our hands. After waking up I facetimed Karen who showed me my babies who were just babbling to me in their baby language and showing me their stuffed toys. I talked to Victor and Karen for a while when Emily decided to barge in, they wished us luck and we hung up. Emily took out my luggage and started deciding what i should wear, i decided to wear an Ann Taylor black dress with nude pumps while Emily wore her Zara black dress with black pumps. We decided to look formal but chic. We were ready by 6:30 and gathered our laptops and catalogs. But according to Emily it was already a done deal. The meeting was to take place in the private room of the hotel restaurant. Amelia texted Emily that they would be arriving in a few minutes so we decided to meet them at the bar. while going down Emily excitedly started tugging my arm "Char i know this meeting will go great OMG i am so excited and after it I am taking you clubbing", when we reached the bar emily ordered us bothMargaritas and we settled down on the bar. While we were talking Emily started waving at someone behind me I looked back saw a beautiful blonde with a cute guy in a suit who looked eerily familiar and suddenly it dawned on me that it was Henery East, Austin's best friend. Emily and I were not that close when me and Austin had got married so she was invited but did not come for our wedding, due to which she had never seen Austin and his entourage and only knew them through my stories. He looked at me and a shocked expression came on to his face but he quickly composed himself giving me and Emily a friendly smile. Amelia came over to us giving us hugs and introduced Henery. He came forward and shook our hands and acted as if we were meeting for the first time. "It's really nice to meet you both and lets proceed to the room". I went along with it not knowing what else to do or say to him. ( CHARLOTTE'S OUTFIT):

Once the presentation was over Amelia was ecstatic and started telling her fiance how this was going to be an awesome wedding

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Once the presentation was over Amelia was ecstatic and started telling her fiance how this was going to be an awesome wedding. He just smiled and nodded along. I just gave my part of the presentation and did not utter any sound towards both Henery as well as Amelia. Emily took care of all the questions of both mine and her end and kept giving me a what the hell is wrong with you look to which i responded to I'll tell you later look. The wedding date was set for 20th june which was to take place in the hamptons. The contract was signed. Dresses, food, entertainment, decoration,cake etc was all to be handled by us as usual we told them that we had to meet the wedding party soon. And I was sure that I would come face to face with Austin Anders, the guy i swore to myself that I would never see again.



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We had dinner and decided to part ways cause it was really late. Me and Emily went up to our suite which as soon as i unlocked i went straight into my room and changed into shorts and tank top and was getting ready for bed when Emily came barging in and said "Okay what the HELL happened to you downstairs!?". 


pic of Avery and Aria Anders on the sidebar =>

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