Dally Personal

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I didn't mean to get into trouble. It just happened....


"SHUT UP DALLY! THANKS TO YOUR ASS MY FAMILY IS SCREWED!" You screamed at Dallas Winston. Once again, he had robbed your family's store. You hated Dally with all your heart and you wished he would die. You walked out of school, not realizing that Dally was behind you. Ponyboy had gone to the movie but you had to go home and care for your 4 little sisters.

"Brynn, come to me." Dally whispered behind you. You jumped at the sudden voice. You grabbed a knife out of your pocket, you had learned to carry one with you at all times.

"Dallas Winston, don't get any closer!" You yelled. Dally took one step with a wide smirk across his face.

"Dallas." You flipped the blade out. He took another step. You bit your lip, ready to stab his ass.

"You gonna get me sweetheart?" He said. his face an emotionless mask.

"Fuck yes, don't come any closer." He walked right up to you. You raised the knife an stabbed him in the leg and bursted down the street. You could hear him howling but you ignored it and kept running.


At home, your parents had recieved a call from Darry Curtis who had told them all about the incident with Dally.

"That little runt was fucking messing with me! As if robbing our store wasn't enough!" You screamed at them. They sent you to your room and you were grounded for a month. Not only that, by to keep Darry from calling the cops, our family had to clean their lawn. Fuck that, Pony could do it. He was your best friend but sometimes he was so useless.


You were walking to Pony's house to clean the lawn when you heard a few socs. They circled you and smirked, their hard eyes locked on your body.

"Hey babe, what're you doing on this side oof town?" One smirked.

"Oh I dunno, getting away from perverts like you. You rolled your eyes. One boy grabbed your left hand, your other hand was grabbed by another boy. You began thrashing violently, but they held on tight. One more soc got a hold of your left leg. Fuck... Finally, someone grabbed your righ leg. You felt yourself shaking. The soc who had been hitting on you, stood above you.

"You're going to pay." The boys carried you into a dark alley. No... They were going to jump you... in the worst way. the main soc smirked and began pulling your pants down

"NO JESUS! GET AWAY." You tried every method you knew, but they held on tight. You heard a voice down the alley.

"Let her fucking go." It was Dally's voice, as he approached you saw a large wrapped cloth around where you had stabbed him. The main soc stepped away from you and you caught your breath.If this soc wasn't going to rape you, the. Dally probably would...

"What're you gonna do, Greaser?" The soc mocked. Dally came closer and punched the guy straight in the jaw. The soc grunted and held his fists up. Dally just pushed the guy down with his foot and stepped on him. Dally was big enough to keep this guy down with one leg in his back.

"So, who wants some Dallas Winston?" His famous smirk crossed his face. The boys dropped you and ran. Dally got off the boy and helped you up. You quickly pulled your pants up and blushed.

"Thanks Dally." You said. forgetting that you hated him. He smirked again. You wanted to kiss his lips to smooth out the smirk, and you did.


Dedicated to BrynnFerriman :) haha sorry it took so long ❤❤❤ Hope u liked it :D I have one more request to fill :p :)




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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