Meeting the Greasers (Dally)

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"Eh, watch where you're going, little girl." He adds the last part with smirk.

"Calm your balls. You ran into me."You say, not gonna put up with anything he has to throw at you.

"Shut up you little shit." His features tighten.

"So original. I'm shaking." You begin to walk away when he shouts at you once again.

"Get back here! I've got to kick your ass for that!" He yells. You chuckle.

"Beat me? I tihnk you've got the wrong girl." You smirk and walk once again. you hear him running to you, you sense that he's got his fist up and you turn, ducking. His punch misses and from your squat you swing your fist, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud. he tries to grab at you but you're too fast. You're up on the ground and you kick his side. He grunts and pulls out a blade. You gasp, but don't back down. He stands and thrusts the knife at you, you pull away to avoid getting stabbed.

"Frickin Hood!" You yell. He thrust the knife at you again, you grab the handle and pull it from him. He throws a punch at you. you grab his arm with the other empty hand you have and twist him, holding him close to you at his chest. You put the knife t his throat.

"Watch youself next time." You smirk. He coughs and you're careful not to actually slit him.

"Damn. Who are you?" He asks.

"(Y/N), you just let the new gril own you." You push the knife closer to him as he struggles.

"Alright, alright. Let me go. Dallas Winston doesn't get beat by a girl. Especially not a Soc." He struggles again. You gently cut his neck a little. He gasps.

" I ain't no soc. I'm a greaser." You let him go and he covers his neck to stop the bleeding. You hand him the knife.

"Dallas, you've got to stop the bleeding. Take off your shirt." You command.

"Shut up, i can do this myself." He takes off his shirt and stops the bleeding.

"You know, I;ve never been beaten by a girl... You're pretty tuff." He smiles. you nod and walk away, Dallas seemed to capture you somehow.


Sicne two-bit's sucked if you read it... i did a fricken awesome beating up dally :)

Boo Mahone

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