Meeting the Greasers (darry)

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The byo blushes hard and gets off of you.

"So sorry." He murmers, he lends his hand out to you. You realize that he's really cute, buthe seems mean.

"It's okay... Um, I'm (y/N)." You hope he doesn't leave.

"Curtis. Darry Curtis." You smile and shake his hand. So formal, you thought to yourself.

"Wanna come back to my house? I can't really stay, but I wanna talk to you... you're beautiful." He smiles. You blush and follow him to his house, which turns out to be over form your crappy home.

inside, are two boys, one greek god looking and the other was cute, but quiet seeming. in a way the boys all looked related. The greek god, Sodapop, couldn't be too much younger than Darry and the thoughtful one, Ponyboy, looked a bit younger than Soda. After I had dinner with them, Soda and Pony ran off. Darry told them to be back after sunset and no later.

"Are they your brothers? Or sons?" You truly hoped they were his brothers.

"My brothers... Do I look that old?" He joked as you sat watching steamboat willy.

'Nah, just you're acting like a dad." You say. Darry explains their situation with a sigh. Your heart breaks that Darry didn't get to do all the things you're going to do... But Darry could have you.....


YAYYYYY I finished the meetings!!!!! STAY GOLD

Boo Mahone

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