Meeting the Greasers (Two-Bit)

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He looked at you and looked thoughtful for a second.

"Gawd, honey, the way you were running, you'd think you're going to run around the world." He smirks. You chuckle lightly.

"Well, mr. I was running from my crappy home."

"Aww it ain't so bad. You just move in here?" He asks, sitting up. You sit up too, nodding.

"How'd you know?" I ask. This boy smiles.

"You're pretty frickin cute, and the way you're acting makes me wanna crack jokes all day." He seems cheesey, this makes you laugh.

"I'm (Y/N)." He smiles at your name.

"Beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." He smiles. You sit with him and he tells you a ton of jokes, you're sure by the end of the night that you're falling for Two-Bit Matthews.


ugh, ik tht was rlly short.... but i wanna get to writing the imagines instead of the meetings ;p STAY GOLD

Boo Mahone

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