Greaser Imagines/ Stories

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I really like "The Outsiders" so I thought, okay, maybe I'd do a series of imagines and stories. Sodapop already has an imagine that I honestly don't like but I'm too lazy to take it down ;D Alot of these will be before Johnny and Dally die. (sorry if you haven't finished the book or read it) It's hard to do stories/imagines for them without Johnny or Dally because that only leaves the Curtis boys, Two-bit, and Steve. I don't like Steve that much and Two-bit is hard to write for because he doesn't do much.

I'll do personal ones if you want :) I need your name description of character, the greaser, and what you want to happen.

Okay, I'll shut up and let you get on to reading :D


Boo mahone

(yes, I'm weird ;D)

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