Chapter 22

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Brendon giggled as we finally made it to headquarters. I looked up at him.

"What's so funny?"

"Once that blonde bitch sees me, she's gonna get pissed."

I smiled. I think Brendon and I are gonna get along well.

"Let's come from the back," I suggest. We ran to the back and Brendon used his gun to unlock the door. I didn't think it would work but it did.

"So where to now?" Brendon asked. I sighed. Should we go separate ways or stick together?

"Um let's just stick together for now," I suggest. He agreed so we went to the second floor which was the cafeteria.

Already I heard a bunch of noise. We stuck our heads and saw many girls destroying instruments and vinyls with either hammers or their bare hands.

"Keep moving girls!" A familiar demanding voice said holding a megaphone with one hand and the suitcase with the other.

I saw Brenda come up to her and whisper something. Courtney whispered something back. Brenda left.

"What do you think they were talking about," Brendon asked. I shrugged.
I noticed an empty table.

"We should follow her," I said. We went downstairs and hid behind the front desk. We both took a peek and saw Brenda opening the door and in came nine people wearing the same white masks and wore black robes. The creepiest thing is that they all wore smiles on their masks.

"Follow my lead," Brenda said with a smile. Her blonde ponytail flipped as she turned around.

"I got an idea," Brendon whispered.
"You're gonna have to do what I do."
I nodded. Brendon is literally the only person I could trust.

With his fingers he counted to three.
The people went up the stairs. Brendon went out and caught one of the people at the end of the stairs and I did the same thing. We dragged them back to the desk without anyone noticing which was good.

Brendon pulled out a pocket knife and slit the person's throat and stabbed the person I was getting a hold of.
Brendon took off the person's mask to reveal their face. I took off the other person's mask. They were both men.

Brendon began taking off the robe and began placing it over him. I did the same thing. We placed the masks over par faces.

"Ready?" He asks. I nodded but I was anxious. Right away they would know we're not one of them. Quickly we went up the stairs to the cafeteria but they weren't there. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see Brenda facing me.

"Did you two get lost?"
Brendon and I nodded. Under this robe I felt goosebumps.

Brenda gestured a hand and we followed her. Brenda smiled as she opened the door to Courtney's office.

"Stand next to me," Brendon whispered to me.
We stood next to each other with the rest. Courtney's office was dark. I saw as Courtney handed the person in the middle the silver suitcase. They placed it on her desk. On the left side there was small red candies. On the right was a fancy silver cup of water. Next to the cup laid a blade. I gulped.

Courtney smiled. The person in the middle picked up the bowl of candies and ate one. Everyone passed the bowl until it came to me. I chewed on the candy. It tasted like toothpaste.

Then we all took a sip of water. After that we passed each other the blade and made a cut on our index finger. Blood trickled down my entire finger.

I watched a drop of Brendon's blood go into the water. He handed me the cup and my blood made the water a dark red.

The person in the middle nodded at Courtney.
"Alright boys, time to open the damn suitcase."

Was Brendon gonna do something to stop this? Should I do something?
Before any other movement could happen, someone interrupted the moment. We all turned to see Opal out of breath.

"What's going on?" Courtney demanded.

"The-the youngbloods...they're do-downstairs."
Courtney's eyes went wide. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. The youngbloods alive?

Courtney faced us and smiled.
"Continue. I'll be back in just a minute," she said and ran out of her office. Brendon took my hand and ran to the cafeteria.

What I saw was something I just couldn't believe. The youngbloods, all dressed in white and playing instruments. All the girls were dressed in white and rocking to the music. How is this even possible? Maybe they're immortals.

"You're supposed to be dead!" Courtney shouted as they stopped playing. Brendon and I took off our masks and Patrick faced us and smiled.

Courtney turned and the first person she laid her eyes on was Brendon. He just smirked. She screamed and I smiled. What an amazing moment.

"Just to let you know Blaire, you won't be able to find your sister here. Nor Sean. They're dead!" She said as a smile formed.

"That's no news to me. I saw it with my OWN eyes," I said. Courtney walked towards me and pulled my hair.

"Let go!" I yell.
Then Courtney stopped. She looked at her hand. It was twitching. I watched Joe play the guitar and this time, Courtney fell to the floor. She screamed in agony.

"Stop it! Stop it now!" She screamed.

"That should teach you a lesson," I said with pride. She glared at me and wrapped her hand around my ankle which caused me to fall.

She hands wrapped around my neck and started choking me. I struggled to breathe.

"You're gonna DIE before I- " Courtney said until someone interrupted her. Her grip loosened and she fell next to me. A red spot was on her head.

I looked at her killer. Brendon. He was breathed heavily until he pulled down the gun. He helped me get up and I thanked him with a hug. Everyone started clapping. The youngbloods came and hugged Brendon.

"Man it's so glad you're alive," Pete said.

"Well we know where Courtney's going," I smirked.

"Trust me guys, she's not gonna have fun in hell," Joe said.

"You two should've seen God. He wears Gucci," Andy said. It caused me to laugh.

"So I think we should go get the suitcase," Patrick suggested. I looked at Brendon.

"Um about that," Brendon started.

The other men with robes and masks came running but all of a sudden their heads were chopped off and their bodies collapsed to the ground.

The guy that seemed to be the leader that was in the middle walked over the corpses. His mask began to transform.
His mask was still white but grew a beak.

"Well this isn't good," Joe said. The guy began chopping off girls' heads and slitting their throats with just a swipe of his arms. A few girls ran away or screamed in terror. Brendon dragged me away from the scene.

The youngbloods walked up to him. The guy had his arms positioned but a ray of light formed on Pete's hands and with that light he pushed the guy and blood splattered on the wall. The robe fell and the mask turned to ashes. He was for sure dead.
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