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"Goodnight, angel," my parents said as they tucked me into bed. Mommy kisses my forehead as dad carries my older sister, Foxes, who is in a deep sleep, in his arms.

"Goodnight mommy. 'Night, dad." I replied.

As they leave my bedroom, dad blows me a kiss while carrying Foxes with his arm and mommy flips the light switch off. Turning my small body to my right, I look at the window. Then I shut my eyes to help me fall asleep and it seemed to work.

A few minutes later, my eyes open up.
I guess it didn't help after all. I heard a big bang that came from the other side of the house. I hear footsteps. Then a scream. It was Foxes' voice. I quickly got out of my bed and opened the door.

I set my eyes on Foxes, who's eyes are filled with fear. Tears running down her face and mouth covered with a gloved hand. I look at mommy and dad, who's hands are up in the air, twitching and sweaty. Finally, I look at the two strangers in the house. One was covering my sister's mouth and the other one is pointing a gun straight at my parents. Both dressed all in black and ski masks.

"Get the other one" the one holding the gun ordered his partner. "No!" I shout. The man quickly grabbed me and started heading towards the front door. I turn my head and faced my parents. "Our job's done, Ed." The man getting a hold of Foxes and I said the his partner, Ed. "I just gotta to do one more thing, Max." Ed told Max. Ed pressed the gun at mommy's head and pulled the trigger. I couldn't believe what I saw. I started crying as mommy fell to the floor.

"Shut up," Max said with annoyance in his voice as he clamped one of his giant hands on my mouth. I try biting at it as an attempt to get it off of me but it was pointless. Then I saw dad get up and punch Ed on his jaw. Relief filled my body. I thought that dad was going to knock down these two evil men and then they would leave us but this wasn't one of those action movies. Ed was still standing and holding the gun. Before dad could make another move, Ed shot him in the chest. Dad stumbled backwards and fell next to mommy.

I began to cry again. I heard Foxes crying, too. I stared at the lifeless bodies lying down on the floor. "Let's go," Ed ordered Max. Ed grabbed me and Max carried Foxes and opened the door. Max looked both ways to see if anyone was out on the streets. Max began walking away from the house. Ed stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Still carrying Foxes, Max turns on a black Jeep, its front lights shining, and opens one of the car doors. He places Foxes in the back seat and Ed does the same with me. As he closes the door, he heads to the front door, opens it, and goes inside the Jeep. Max is on the passenger's seat, buckling his seatbelt. As Ed does the same thing, he pulls out a car key from his pocket and starts the engine.

Once he begins to drive, Foxes and I cry more. Foxes scoots next to me and hugs me. She rests her chin on my head and sobs.
"I thought you said were gonna just take the girls and then leave, not kill their parents during the process," Max complained to Ed. "Sorry I didn't tell you before. Courtney's orders." Ed replied, his eyes on the road. I finally stopped crying. I wasn't sad anymore. I was scared. Where are they taking us? I thought to myself. Wherever they were taking my sister and I, it probably wasn't going to be pretty.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"We're here, girls." Max tells us. Both men get out of the Jeep and getting Foxes and I out of our seats. My eyes are set on the huge building. More people must be inside, of course. Or kids. Just like me. Like Foxes.

Ed grabs me again, almost dragging me toward the building. To his right next to the door is a tiny squared scanner. He takes off his glove without letting me go and places his hand over the scanner. The scanner glows green. "Edward. Age 27." I heard a female robotic voice. It came from the scanner. He opens the black door and in he, Max, Foxes, and I go.

It looked like a lobby inside. I look up and see a huge chandelier hanging on the ceiling. A red carpet covers the floor. A huge desk is to the left. Behind the desk is a girl who looked no older than 20 years old. Her long black hair tied up in a ponytail. She's reading a book, too concentrated to even notice us. Then Max rings a bell that was set on the desk. She looks up at Max and smiles. "Hey there Max!" The girl exclaimed. She then looks at Ed and waves a hand to him.

"Hey, Sandy," Ed replies, sounding very exhausted. "Is Courtney in her office?"
"Yea. You guys can go in." She replies. She looks at me, then at Foxes. "The elevator isn't working right now, so just take the stairs," Sandy tells the men. Ed and Max head towards the stairs with us.

After going up two set of floors, they finally reached a door that said HEADMASTER'S OFFICE in gold letters on a metal plate. Ed knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I hear a woman's voice ask. "Its Edward and Max. We have what you ordered us to bring."
"Enter," replied the voice.

Ed opened the door and in the office we all entered. With a hand rested on the desk and the other holding up a cigarette, a woman with messy blonde hair sat behind the desk. "Nice job, boys," she replied. "You may go to your rooms. I'll take it from here."

As the men leave the office, she gets up from her chair and walk toward us, cigarette still in her hand. She puts it to her lips and takes a drag from it. Then she bends down to my height, faces me and blows the smoke at my face. I winced a little. I never liked the thought of smoking. She brings a hand up to my cheek and softly strokes it. She smiles at me and whispers to me in a soft but creepy voice, "Hey there, lovely."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A/N: Hello to whoever is reading this. Hope you guys loved reading my prologue to the story Death Valley. The picture on the top was my original cover of the story, but it didn't fit. Anyways, thank you for reading. I'll try to update soon. ^·^

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