Chapter 17

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We all decided to sleep in the living so after Andy and Pete finished taking their showers, I helped Pete gather pillows and blankets. Andy was telling me that all of them except for Pete worked for Courtney. Andy told me that the three of them escaped in 2003 which was ten years ago.

If they were still in Silence the Noise at the time they would've captured Foxes and I.
I told the two youngbloods about the day I was kidnapped and how it was so unexpected. Tears escaped my eyes and Pete held a box of Kleenex. I thanked him as I continued telling them how I discovered what Courtney was capable of and punishments she gave us if we didn't obey her.

"Your sister must've been an amazing person," Pete said.

"I remember I had a tiny mp3 player and I would quietly listen to music," Andy said.
"I never got caught for that. I guess she never changed anyways."
I yawned and rubbed my left eye. Today's been a long day.

"Today's been a long day," Pete said. It was like he read mind. "I think we should get some rest." I nod and fall fast asleep.

"We'll be back Blaire!" Pete yelled.

"Okay!" I shout.

I heard the door close but as I turn around I saw Patrick. He didn't have his leather jacket and his shirt was torn. I started freaking out and slowly walked backwards to the front door. Patrick had a walkie talkie in his hand.

"Courtney I got her. What do I do with her?"
I squeezed the doorknob when I heard him mention that blondie.

"Finish her Patrick. Finish her well."

Patrick looked at me me straight in the eye as he smashed the walkie talkie to the ground and stomped on it until there was just bits. I try opening the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Pete! Andy! Help!" I screamed.
Patrick pulled me by the hair and dragged me to his room. He pushed me onto the bed and ripped off my shirt. He smirked and before he could make another move I punched him in the face. He jerked back falling to the floor and I ran out of his room.
I reached to the front door again but Patrick's hand covered my mouth. I looked at his hook. I felt it going across my throat.

I woke up screaming and I placed my hands around my throat. The living room lights turned on and I saw Andy moving next to me. I told him it was all just a bad dream.

Pete got up and walked next to Andy and he explained him that I was only a nightmare.
"I think I know what can help you," Pete said. He got up and left. Andy wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

"It's alright. It wasn't real," he whispered. His quiet smooth voice helped me calm down. Pete came with something I've never seen before and with one of those squares I saw at headquarters when I was looking for them.

"I've seen those before," I said.
Pete smiled. He told me that they were called vinyls and that the other thing he was carrying was a vinyl record player.
I looked at the cover of the vinyl. It read The Smashing Pumpkins. Siamese Dream. He took out what was called a disc which was the black round thin circle and placed it in the player. Noise came out from it.

"And that Blaire is called music," Pete said and I smiled. I listened to the music. It was so beautiful. I thanked Pete and he went back to sleep.

"I hope it helps you sleep," Andy said. I assured him it will and he went back to sleep. I listened more until it stopped. Why would Courtney wanna take away something so beautiful from thus world? I pulled the blanket closer to my face and went back to sleep.
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