Chapter 22 | part 2

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One week later, Eliana stood before the door to the audience chamber, clad in an indigo gown fringed with silver. A slim circlet of gold and pearl sat on her brow, and matching bracelets jingled at her wrists. Balancing beside her on still-unsteady legs, Sarri was a perfect miniature copy of her aunt, right down to the gold circlet nestling  amongst her tangle of black curls.

The little girl tugged impatiently at Eliana's hand – she wanted to explore. Now that Sarri was walking and running, it was becoming ever-more difficult to keep her out of trouble. She was inquisitive, wanting to smell, touch, taste everything she could get her tiny hands on. Yesterday, Eliana had gone into her dressing room and immediately noticed that her paints and powders were in disarray. A cloud of pale face powder still hung in the air.

A giggle came from underneath the table – Eliana peered underneath to discover a little ghost laughing at her with mischievous eyes. Sarri had got the powder everywhere – in her hair, on her gown, on her face and in her mouth. Both of them had needed a bath by the time Eliana finished cleaning up.

The herald banged his staff on the tiles. 'The Lady Eliana, Sekrutu to His Royal Highness Samsu, Prince of Babylon, Lugal of Nippur; and their Royal Highnesses, the Princesses Sarri and Kisuri, daughters of Babylon.'

The doors were flung open – Eliana took a step forward, Mari at her heels in a good wool gown, cradling Kisuri in a gown to match her sister and aunt's, wildly inappropriate for a four month old baby. The silk was already watermarked where she had dribbled onto it.

They took a few steps into the hall. Sarri dug her heels in, freezing in fear.

Giving a reassuring smile, Eliana prodded her niece gently, 'come along,' she whispered.

Sarri stared around with wide eyes. Eliana could not imagine how boundless this room must look to such a tiny girl – a vast, glittering cave filled with unknown beasts and silent, watchful faces.

'Nooooooo!' Sarri wailed, turning to bury her face in Eliana's skirts and holding up her arms. The assembly laughed; Eliana looked to the dais, Samsu and Susa were not smiling.

Scooping her niece from the floor, she cuddled her and stroked her back, walking smoothly towards the thrones.

She knelt carefully, bowing her head. Behind her, Mari did the same. Neither of them could bow fully whilst holding the girls, and they prayed that Samsu would not make anything of it.

Eliana exhaled a soft sigh of relief as he motioned for them to rise. She stood and set Sarri on her feet on the floor, where the little girl clung to her leg. She took Kisuri from Mari, and rested her free hand on Sarri's head.

'Your Royal Highness, may I present your daughters, Sarri,' she gestured, 'and Kisuri.'

He nodded and grunted acknowledgement. 'Are they strong and healthy?' he asked.

'They are, sir. And within a half-year they will have a vigorous brother to join them in the nursery.' She took her free hand off Sarri's head and placed it protectively over her belly, glaring defiantly at Susa.

Truthfully, Kisuri was not healthy. Still small for her four and a half months, and struggling with her breathing, she was pale and delicate as a rare orchid. For all that, she looked just like her mother, and Eliana's heart melted a little every time she looked at her. The two sisters were as different from each other as Suen from Utu – while Kisuri was pale and still like the moon, Sarri blazed with energy, like the sun, her quick mind and playful spirit already apparent.

Samsu waved them away. Mari stepped forward to take Kisuri again, Eliana picked up Sarri and they moved off to the side.

The petitioners began in earnest, with Samsu dispensing judgements and justice at a rapid pace, eager to get off the throne and into a saddle. For once, Eliana paid scant attention; she was too busy trying to amuse her niece, keeping the bored girl quiet as her father worked. She slid off a bracelet and played with it, dangling it in front of the baby.

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