chapter thirty-one

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Once Brooke returned to Storybrooke, she decided to talk to Rumple about Pan. He told her that he took her heart in front of Robin and wiped their memories for Pan but gave it back to her right after and gave Pan a heart from the River of Souls. She already hated him, but now she hated him even more for actually considering taking her heart for his father. But she was thankful he didn't fall for his father's game.

Now Henry and Brooke were sat in Granny's with most of the residents of Storybrooke to commemorate Robin's death. "Henry?" A girl then asked, making the two turn around.
The minute Brooke saw her

Later that evening, Brooke had gone home after starting to get the sickening feeling in her stomach since Violet was back in Henry's life. Although she seemed sweet and didn't intend on getting in the way of their relationship again, she still didn't like her.
Brooke was sat in her bed watching Netflix when she got a text from Henry.

Meet me in Gold's store. x

She furrowed her brows when reading the text but nevertheless obeyed. She got up, threw on her jacket over her black jeans and t-shirt she was already wearing from earlier before jogging down the stairs. Her mom wasn't home so she left a note saying she was with Henry before leaving.


"Henry?" Brooke asked as she shut the door to Gold's shop behind her. He spun around and smiled.
"What is it? What do you want?" She urged, sounding a little blunt.

"it's my grandpa; he's trying to steal Storybrooke's magic. It made me realise how bad it is. It's always magic, always. Magic turned Emma into The Dark One, it took away the man Regina loved. And now, now I think it's going to tear my parents apart. I used to think there was light and dark magic, but it's all bad. Look around the shop," Henry began to walk around the store. "These are Geppetto's parents." He pointed to a needle as Brooke stood beside him. "This needle, has put dozens of people under a curse they can't wake from. And this," He held up a snow globe. "an entire village is frozen in there."
Brooke looked around the store with a saddened expression on her face. "It's hurt so many people."
"Henry... I-"
He cut her off. "Come with me to New York. We can fix this, Brooke, what do you say?" He asked, holding out his hand.
"My mom would panic if she realised I've gone away somewhere without saying anything, she'll most likely report me as a missing person." Brooke laughed.
Henry frowned.
"But yes, I'll come."
His face lit up. "Great! We'll call it... Operation Mixtape!" Henry announced.
Brooke laughed again. "Sounds lit, I like it it."
"There's just one more thing we're going to need," Henry said, walking over to The Author's Pen and holding it up. "I promised I'd never use this pen to do anything besides record what happens, but what we're about to do is for the greater good." He told her, putting the pen to paper.

The Olympian Crystal appeared in The Author's hand.

Was what he wrote. Henry held out his hand and the crystal appeared in within a puff of smoke. Brooke gasped before smirking. "Is that-?"
"The crystal Gold used to tether Storybrooke's magic to." Henry finished, grinning.
"So you're saying that magic is bad, and in most cases I agree with you. But, why are we taking it out of Storybrooke?" Brooke questioned.
"To destroy it." Henry replied. "Once and for all." He held out his hand and smiled. "Now come on, I know you've always wanted to go to New York and when we first starting dating, we planned on going there together someday. Now let's get on that bus and have the time of our lives whilst saving Storybrooke."
Brooke chuckled and nodded. Henry took her hand in his. He picked up his rucksack with his spare hand and threw it over one shoulder before the two ran away.


"You're seriously keeping your phone here?" Brooke asked as he hid it under the seat he was sat on. "Why would you do that?"
"I'm not stupid, I know my moms have a GPS tracker to see wherever I am. Besides, this phone's getting old now."

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