Chapter 10: Healed Friendship

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Tsubaki was skipping to the dining room starting his morning in a jolly mood. Until he saw the dining table, a plate and a chair short. "Ukyo, Where's my breakfast?" 

"I don't know," Ukyo said. He took a large bite of the banana berry pancake he made that was Tsubaki's favorite.

"You'll have to make your own breakfast," Azusa grumpily revealed. He ate instant microwavable meal that was obviously unhealthy for breakfast.

"Are you serious, Ukyo? This is the second time you didn't make us breakfast." He took a bowl and filled it with milk and cereal. 

"Maybe next time you and Azusa will be more responsible when drinking. And don't drag Yuki into your mess," Ukyo said eyes glaring red.  

"This is unfair! Natsume was also part of it. Why aren't you punishing him, too?" Tsubaki complained.

"I'm sure the bloody mouth Subaru gave him is punishment enough," Ukyo said making Subaru embarrassed of his actions.

"Whatever! Cereal isn't enough to fill my stomach. I'm probably gonna starve to death." Tsubaki revealed acting overly dramatic.

Yuki wiped her mouth with her napkin. She checked her phone and receive a text message from Masaki. She almost fell off her seat, they haven't texted each other in a while. 

Masaki: I need to talk to you. If you have time before school starts, could you meet me in the music room. 

Yuki: Okay.

Her hands were shaking a little from her nervousness."Um...Ah, Tsubaki, you can have my breakfast. I'm going to school." Yuki passed her plate to Tsubaki and rushed out the door. She didn't want to make Masaki wait too long. Her excitement fueled her to run to school, but she quickly exhausted herself and started to walk before she hit the halfway mark.  

There were already some students entering the school. She walked in the hallway in the direction to the music room. The sound of a viola filled the hallways making Yuki smile at the familiar sound she missed so much. She looked through the open door and her smile doubled in size. 

Masaki was in such deep concentration that he didn't notice Yuki standing in the frame of the door. Once he finally finished the piece he was playing, Yuki knocked on the door getting Masaki's attention.

"Yuki!" Masaki exclaimed surprised to see her, although he was the one who invited her.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Yuki awkwardly approached him.

"Ah, Yeah." Masaki pulled a chair for her and urged her to take a seat. "Its about the voicemail you left me a few days ago. I wanted to talk to you about it as soon as possible, but yesterday I was busy with my family. And my dad threatened to take my viola away because of my low grade in history. But it wasn't even a low grade, I just didn't get a hundred. To my dad's eyes, anything less than a hundred  is a low grade..." Masaki continued to babble nonsense. He was nervous to see Yuki again after such a long time. " ...So what were we talking about?" Masaki completely lost his train of thought.

"Um, Your low grades. Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?" 

"Oh, no. I wanted talk about the voicemail you left me. I just want to say I feel the same way, too," confessed Masaki.

"What voicemail?" Yuki was getting more confused.

"The voicemail you left me on Saturday saying that you..." Masaki started blushing really hard. He struggled to get the words out, "....well, I guess, wanted to be friends, again."

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