Chapter 8: Shopping Spree

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When Hikaru and Ukyo arrived, the sky was already dark. "It feels good to be home," Hikaru jumped out of the car and stretched his legs. "Ukyo will you get my luggage," he start to go inside of the house.

Ukyo sighed, " Alright."

"Guess who's home?" Hikaru burst through the door making a flashy entrance.

"Onee-chan!" Wataru immediately greeted him with a hug.

"I thought you weren't coming until next week," Kaname asked as he continued to switch channels.

"I ended my trip early, after learning a sister I haven't met before is in the hospital," Hikaru said hinting how excited he was to meet her. "Besides, if she's like Ema then I should have came in sooner."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Tsubaki asked as he enter the living room.

"Nothing, so where's my new sister?" Hikaru asked as he fixed his hair trying to look good before  his sister could see him.

"I'll get her!" Wataru bounced and rushed towards Yuki's room.

"Seems like our new sister really gotten on Wataru's good side," stated Hikaru.

"I have brought the princess with her prince," announced Wataru running down the stairs with Yuki a couple steps behind.

Yuki's eyes widened when she saw Hikaru because Wataru told her about a brother she hadn't met. She thought maybe that Wataru meant a sister instead of a brother. "Hi nice to meet you, I'm Y-."

"Yuki!" Hikaru was shocked to see her, but not as surprised as Yuki when he shouted her name. "Do you remember me?" Yuki still looked confused and thought that maybe this was a joke somebody planned. "Let me reintroduce myself, I'm Hikaru Asahina."

It took a while for Yuki to process the name, until she finally understood and it showed on her face. "Oh, I remember now. But...I-i'm sorry."

Hikaru was now the one confused, "Sorry for what?"

"When I first met you I thought you were a boy. I didn't know you were a girl. I'm so sorry." Yuki looked apologetical and  stared at the floor.

Kaname started laughing loudly in the background. Barely able to breathe from laughing so hard. Hikaru looked down at his outfit and he was still wearing his dress and high heels. He blushed from his outfit making Yuki believe his was a girl. "Actually... I am a boy."

"I-i'm so sorry...again," Yuki pleaded hoping he wouldn't get mad.

"That's fine, I get that quite often."

"So," Tsubaki said laying on the couch looking annoyed that Hikaru and Yuki were being all friendly with each other. " How did you guys meet?"

"Um," Hikaru took a moment to think. "When I was still in America, a friend of mine brought me to an art gallery. Yuki's art piece was one of the popular pieces. I met her because I bumped into her and spilled my whole glass of wine on her dress."

Yuki started laughing when Hikaru mentioned her dress incident, "Yeah, he was more worried about my dress than I was. He was all freaking out and dragged me to the girl's bathroom. When I told him he was in the wrong bathroom, He said 'It's alright it's not the first time I've been in the girl's restroom.'" Yuki started giggling again. "He then took some stuff out of his bag and removed the stain with them."

"Yeah, yeah." Hikaru said, " We became friends after that and Yuki invited me to one of her performance the next day. Of course I came, and if you ever heard her perform, it is amazing."

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