Chapter 9: Basketball Game

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"Subaru, you seem to be practicing hard," declared Kensuke. 

"Yeah, my sister is coming to the game tomorrow and I want to win for her," admitted Subaru as he made a three pointer shot.

"Yuki's coming!" exclaimed Kensuke. "Now we need to win. I'm gonna practice hard, too!" He started to become pumped for the game, but Subaru felt annoyed at him. He didn't want to be out shined by Kensuke.


"Louis we have to hurry or else we'll be late for Subaru's game!" Yuki yelled through the crack of his door.

Louis opened his door, "I'm sorry Yuki, but I'll have to cancel. Fuuto just messaged me and he needs my help. It's a hair emergency."

"What! But we've being planning this for a while," Yuki pouted.

"I know. I'll make it up to you," He patted her head, making her feel better. "I'll drive you."  He and Yuki went to Subaru's university and dropped her off, while giving her direction to the gymnasium. "It's hard to miss, but here's the map of his school if you get lost. Subaru should be able to give you a ride back home."

"Okay, Thanks." Yuki said, although she already knew where the gym was.

Yuki was about to walk to the school until Louis called out to her saying "Yuki, I'm really sorry for bailing on you." Louis was truly disappointed, but he knew that Fuuto needed him.

Yuki smiled softly, "It's okay, I'll tell you everything that happens. And I'll even cheer really hard for both of us." Yuki gave him a thumb up. Reassuring him not to worry.

He returned her smile, "I'll see you later, take care."

Yuki remember where the gym was from the last time she was there with Fuuto. It took her while to finally enter the gym because of the long line of people eager to get in. People pushed, shoving each other desperate to find the best seats. 

A proud fan of Meiji University drilled his way through the crowd not caring who was in his way. Unfortunately, Yuki was one of the unsuspecting victim that was in his way. He shoved her so hard that it caused her to fall on another person and drag them to the floor with her.

"Ouch! Crazy fans. Can't they be more careful?" stated the person Yuki accidentally dragged down. "Are you okay young lady?" He stretched his hand out towards her, hinting that he planned on helping her up.

"Y-yeah, people are quite excited for the game," Yuki laughed as she accept the strangers offer to help her up. She couldn't help staring at the stranger, he looked like someone she met before.

"That wasn't excitement. That was people being rude. How could that guy shove a girl with a broken arm," He the look of disgust formed on his face.

"That's fine, I'm pretty sure that guy didn't mean to do any harm."

"You're quite optimistic, huh," he gave her a questioning look. "I'm Natsume, what's your name?"

"I'm Yuki, nice to meet you."

"Likewise." He checked his watch and realized the game was about to begin. "We should hurry to find seat before the game starts."

Yuki realized the time as well and agreed. They were lucky enough to find seats in the second row, giving them a decent view of the score board and the court.

"Are you here for someone?" Natsume asked scanning the players of the apposing team.

"Huh, H-how'd you know that?" Yuki stared at him thinking that he might be a stalker or something of the sort.

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