Chapter 16

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Bill's p.o.v

Dipper was soon out cold. I let out a sad sigh. I hated to see him like this. Anyways I grabbed my cellphone and called William. He was my brother from the opposite universe. "Hello?" A voice from the phone said. "Hey did you think about my proposition?" I asked. My brother couldn't say no but we never know. I heard a sigh from the other line. "Yes I did but why do you want me to do this for him?" He asked and it was my turn to sigh. "Because I know he will hate me soon enough when he'll know my true identity so I want him to be himself to the fullest around me" I said. You're probably wondering what I want to give him for his birthday. I want to give him his best childhood memory so he can live it once again. He won't remember afterwards, but that's the best I can give him for now. "Why don't you just tell him the truth? He will probably be less angry or scared if you tell him now before he gets to attached to you" he said and I knew it was true but I couldn't. I still needed  to fix him. "Yes but I can't. I need him to recover, to fix himself before anything else" I said and my brother sighed once again. "Ok. I'll help you." He said.

Dipper's p.o.v

I woke up with a major headache as I let out a groan of pain. I made a very weird dream about Will. In the dream he was the one who did the weirdmageddon and almost killed me and my 'sister'. 'Someone finally decided to wake up' a voice said in my head as I groaned again. "Look who's talking" I muttered under my breath as I tried to get up but fell flat on my ass with a loud 'thud'. Will came in the room as he scanned it and saw me on the floor. "Hello Dip. Did you just fell?" He asked as he came besides me and helped me up. "Uh no?" I said as I shooed his help away with the back of my hand. He looked hurt but for the moment I couldn't care less. I tried to get up from my own but with every movement, my headache was amplifying. "Dipper let me help you" he said as I let him help me up as I laid on the couch holding my head. Will looked at me puzzled as he went in the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. 'He's hiding something from you' a voice said as the other ones agreed. "Shut the hell up for now" I said as I grabbed a pill from my bottle and swallowed it down as Will came back with the water. "Here" he said as he handed me the glass. I chugged it down as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Thanks" I replied as I placed the now empty glass on the table in front of me. "The voices say you're not the one you pretend to be" I said quietly as I looked down. "They say that you will betray me. They said that you already lied to me" I continued as I looked up at him. I saw a bit of guilt in his eyes but it was soon replaced by hurt. "How could you think something like that?" Will said as his hands trembled a bit. I don't know if it was stress, fear or anger. I was so confused. A part of me wants to trust him and believe that he's really who he told me he was but another part still doubts about it. He reminds me of someone but I can quite tell who.

I'm not the one who wants to hurt you Billdip fanfic. [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now