Chapter 12

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Bill's p.o.v

Pine tree said I wasn't man enough! Ha! He's kidding me right?! Anyways I wanted to have my revenge on him so I just passed by him and slapped his fuckable sweet ass. Now he was walking next to me pouting. His ass felt so good in my hand, I wonder how in will feel on my dick. When I thought about it, I swear that all the heat I had went to my cock. "Shit..." I muttered and with my luck, Dipper heard me. "What William?" He asked concerned. I had to lie to him...again. "Nothing just forgot to take my pills" that's what I responded which wasn't exactly a lie since I really had to take them. "Are you okay then?" He asked as he took my hands in his. His hands were soft. I liked it. 'I wonder how his hands will feel on my body' I thought to myself and I shuddered. Stop thinking like that!!! What that kid does to me... I smiled. "Yes dipper I'm fine. Thank you for asking" he blushed. Yeah that little blush. "I-um that's what friends do right?" He said and I smiled again. "Yes Dip, that's what friends do" I said as I smiled again. He smiled and we walked again hand in hand to my house. We became used to just walk hand in hand even tho we weren't dating. It made him secure to have me around him. "What do you want to do Dipper?" I asked as we took our coats off and went in the living room sitting on the couch.
"I don't know, what to do you want to do?" He asked and oh my lord that this kid was killing me. "Want to watch a movie?" I asked and he nodded. "Pick the movie please?" He asked and I asked him what he wanted to watch instead. "Titanic?" I asked. "No" he said. "The conjuring?" "If you want" he said and I laughed. "You want to watch the movie don't you?" I asked and he looked embarrassed. "Yes I do" he said and I laughed even harder. "If you wanted me to marry you Dipper you could of asked!" I laughed harder when I saw Pine tree's face when he realized what he just said. "I'm just kidding" I said once I calmed down. "Rewind. Yes I want to watch this movie please" he said and laughed at the end. "Ok my dear~" I said as he just looked away embarrassed. I put the disk in gene DVD player and went to sit on the couch next to dipper. I've put my arm around him and he snuggled in me. I pressed play. When the film was done, I looked at him to talk about the movie but he was asleep on me. I couldn't blame him. It was 9:30 pm and today was eventful. I grabbed him bridal style and went in our room. Yes, now he kinda lived to my house in some ways. It's been 2 weeks since we met and school starts next week. I sighed as I went to bed with him. He snuggled up to my side and murmured a "please don't leave me..." And fell asleep again. I brushed the hair out of his face. "Oh but Dipper, I would never..." I said and I went to sleep as well.

~A few hours later
Still in Bill's p.o.v

I awoke by the sound of Dipper's screams. "NO!!! PLEASE STOP I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! ANYTHING BUT HIM PLEASE STOP!!!" I sat up and shook dipper awake. When he awoke, he grabbed me shirt and cried in it. "It's okay Dip it was only a nightmare" I said as I smoothed him. "You are alright" he kept whispering again and again. "Yes Dipper I'm alright, you are alright" I said as I passed my my fingers in his brown locks. After Demons know how long, he passed out in my arms. I placed him back on the bed with my arm around him. Poor thing but the the rest of the night was calm.

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