Chapter 13

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Dipper's p.o.v

When I woke up, Will was holding me in his arm as he's chest rose and fell gently. I had faint memories from last nights events. I remember Will waking me up and me crying in his shirt. That's pretty much it. I feel like an idiot now. It's only been two weeks ago that we encountered but I feel like I know him since forever. 'Dipper~ do you remember us~?' The voices chanted in my head. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow who was actually Will's neck. "Hello Dipper how are you feeling?" Asked a worried William. "Hi. T-to be qu-quite honest, I d-don't really k-know how I'm feeling" I said as we both sat up. He just nodded. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked me with sad eyes and a gentle smile. "N-no I don't really remember anything. I just remember you waking me up and me crying on you oh and sorry 'bout that" o said as I scratched the back of my neck. He placed his hand on my. "Dipper, you don't  have to be sorry for this. You can't help it." He said as he hugged me. I hugged back. "Want me to tell you what happened last night?" He said in my ear. I just nodded. "Well you were screaming that you couldn't take it anymore and things like 'anything but him'. It woke me up, I awoke you and you cries in my shirt while saying that I was okay till you fell asleep" he said. "What exactly happened before I woke you up?" He asked me. "To be honest, I don't remember but the both of us were involved in it" I said as he kissed my forehead. "Anyways, get dressed, I'm taking you out for breakfast" he said as he disappeared into the bathroom. "Okay" I said and I took my clothes. Today I was wearing fitting ripped jeans with converse and a MCR t-shirt. I did my usual routine and went downstairs. Will was already done and was waiting for me. "Sorry if I made you wait" I told him and he just brushed it off. "Doesn't matter" he said as he smiled brightly. We walked hand in hand to the dinner. Don't take me wrong, we weren't dating it was hair something we grown used to it. It was brotherly...for the moment. Some people were giving either dirty looks, giggling looks if you know what I mean and some flirty looks well more to Will. Will glared at some, smiled at some and ignored some. I was looking down for multiple reasons. First, I hate when we have attention, second I dislike being the centre of attention and third I hate with s burning passion being started at oh and did I mention that I hate being the centre of attention? Yeah well now you know. When we arrived at the dinner, I saw my sister Mabel who was laughing with her friends. Will looked at me. "Is that your sister over there?" He asked me while pointing her. I slowly nodded. "If you want we can go som-" he started and I cut him off. "No I don't want to go somewhere else. I want to stay here" I said my voice a bit shaking but determined. He squeezed my hand reassuringly and we waited for someone to sit us. With my luck, we ended up right beside my sister. Will looked at me with the 'everything will be okay' look. The waiter came to take our orders and we both started with a coffee. Actually he started with a coffee and I started with a tea. Then we ordered the food. We talked for a bit and Will had to go use the restroom. When he disappeared and I was fully visible my sister asked. "Dipper is that you?" And to say the least, I was pissed but it didn't show in my face. "Yes it's me Mabel" I said calmly as I wished that Will would come back soon. "Nice to see you. It's been a long time huh?" She asked as her friends said goodbye and told her to meet them outside. "Yes it's been" I said as William came back besides me with his arms around my waist. Mabel glared at him. "Who do you think you are?" She asked him and he just laughed. "Someone who's present for your brother" he said and the look on Mabel's face was... I don't really know how to express it actually. It was a mix of guilt, pain, shame, anger and sadness. "You don't know what you're talking about" she said with a scoff. "Actually I do know. It's more you that doesn't knows shit about WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT." He said and I tugged at his sleeve. "Oh yeah? What's Dipper's last name?" She asked. "Pines" he said back with a smirk. "What's his favourite colour?" She asked with a furious voice "Orange" he said with a calm one. "I bet you don't know as much as I do" she said with a scoff and he just smirked. "Oh but I bet you that I know way more than what you know" he said as he grabbed my hand and led me outside but Mabel grabbed my arm and pulled me with her. "No, he's staying with me!" She said and now all eyes were on us. I hate it. "Dipper, with who do you want to go?" Asked a strangely calm William. I looked at the both of them. Navel was my sister but, William was there when she wasn't. He was there with me through all the shot I passed and we went through it. During this time, se was with her friends. I finally made my decision. "William" I said as Mabel furiously spun me around. "What?! You are seriously choosing him over me?! Your own sister?! What's wrong with you?!" She screamed at me as tears spilled out of my eyes when her hand collided with my left cheek. William came by my side. "Stop hurting him" he commended to her. She laughed. "You have no rights in this" she said as she slapped him. He pushed her. "Don't you dare hit him again!" He screamed at her. I couldn't take it anymore. I just ran out of the dinner. I could hear the screaming behind me. I couldn't take it anymore. Mabel never raised her hands on me nor I on her. When I arrived in the woods, I collapsed on my knees crying like no tomorrow. Soon after, I felt a presence besides me. I looked up and saw William with a nasty bruise on his cheek. He hugged me. "Everything's alright now dipper" he said as I held into him tightly. "She never raised her hand on me" I said quietly. "Shh it's okay Dipper I'm here" he said as we rocked back and forth. "What happened to your face" I asked him and he bitterly laughed. "Her uncle arrived when we were fighting and we got in a fight" he said. "Anyways at least you're okay that's all that matters" he said as he kissed the cheek my 'sister' hit me. "But with all that, we didn't get the chance to eat and it's already 3 in the afternoon." He said and we both lightly laughed. "How about we go see a movie?" He said and I nodded. "William I have something to tell you" I said quietly as we got up and began walking towards his house. "Yes dipper?" He said with a smile. "I'm sorry for all this and thank you for everything" I said as I stopped and hugged him tight. He hugged me back. "Dipper it's my pleasure and it doesn't matter. She shouldn't have hit you" he said and we began walking again. I smiled. He is there for me, I'm there for him...

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