Level Twelve: Stupid Drunk Guy.

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re-written on 11.15.17

"Are you ready to go to the movies, Satan?" I asked as I finished drying my bangs with the blow dryer. It was a week later and tonight was Ricardo's work party. Everyone in the house, excluding Ricardo and Leon, had already gone out to get their weekend activities started. Leon had offered to stay behind because he wanted to see how the men Ricardo hated so much acted.

Ricardo had warned him that his co-workers were anything but pleasant.

They were snotty, rude, and major assholes.

Had Ricardo told me this weeks ago before his subtle change in attitude, I would have questioned him, "So how do they differ from you?" but I just kept the snide remark in my head and tried not to laugh out loud. Honestly, I thought it was clever.

The movie would start in less then an hour and Edgar was meeting us there for some sibling bonding time. Saturday had been spent in a rush—Danny had a doctor's appointment to get her flu shot since Flu Season was upon us and having a sick child was something I wasn't willing to deal with. After her doctor's appointment, we went to go visit Artemis and even introduced Satan's guinea pig, Snickers, to the docile horse.

Artemis seemed confused as what Snickers was but I think the pretty mare knew to simply humor Satan and made kissy faces at the indifferent Snickers—Satan named him Snickers because the coloring of his fur reminded her of well the candy bar.

I then took my sister and her new project pet to get some ice cream before doing some shopping and then I ended up losing track and rushing back here to get ready for the movie. Luckily, the party hadn't started yet so I saved from interacting with the spoiled, sexist men.

But since it's been an hour since we've gotten home, I could hear the loud voices of these men from the upper levels of my room. There was light music—Ricardo had hired a local DJ to come play some soft, house music. The house reeked of expensive men perfume and the food that Ricardo hired a chef to do.

That chef happened to be me.

Also, I wasn't a chef yet.

And also, Ricardo didn't pay me.

Satan was finishing up getting dressed when she stumbled into the bathroom, "Um, what do I do with my hair?" She pointed at her curly mess of hair.

I sighed and beckoned her to stand in front of me so I could untangle her rat's nest, "Honestly, you just got out of the shower not even five minutes ago and this happens? What are we going to do about this, huh?" I asked her with a frown.

Danny's rat nest of hair was always a challenge to tackle.

Satan pouted cutely and then gave a lazy shrug, "Cut it all off." She suggested.

I quirked an eyebrow, "You want boy hair?"

She nods, "Yeah, I want super short hair! I want it up to here!" She gestured her index finger to the outer shell of her right ear, "That way I won't have to worry about it anymore!" She grins widely.

I chuckle softly, "Well, if that's what you want to do with your hair then we can go get it cut tomorrow morning, how about that?" I suggested to her with a smile.

She beams at me, "Really? I've always wanted short hair!" She tells me.

I nod, "Then it's settled." I concluded and the young lord of Hell looks quite content with this and focuses her attention onto Snickers, encased in his large, plastic ball, rolls into the bathroom before bumping into the back of my ankles.

I did sorta quick work on Satan's hair before I heard my phone starting to ring from the bedroom—the familiar Star Wars Imperial March ringtone alerting me that Edgar was calling to let us know he was either on his way or already here.

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