Something not right

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"Boss is there anything we can do?" Jason said who is one of Core's running boys. Standing by the door waiting for a response he didn't receive one. Looking out of his office window at the streets filled with debris and crackheads he thought deeply to his self. He made his deal with the devil, and in that deal shit like this wasn't suppose to happen. He is suppose to be free of all this type of drama in exchange for selling the people what they needed. He couldn't figure out who has a problem with him. He made sure everyone got a equal piece of pie and everyone got their respect. The longer he thought back on it the more confused he became.

"You can find those two bitches that killed my girl." He said nonchalantly while staring out the window.

"Boss we looked everywhere but it's like they disappeared. I don't know where they are or who they are but best believe we're going to find them soon so you can kill them like they killed your lady." Jason proudly said. Turning around slowly core looked Jason up-and-down. Walking over to his desk he slowly pulled his plush chair out and sat in it. Going into his drawer he pulled out a Cuban cigar, lit it and took a puff. Looking over at Jason he smirked.

"Them two girls did more then just kill my lady. They killed a part of me and brought back the old me at the same damn time. Do you know what it feels like to see a piece of you die while you're still trying to hang on to life?" Core asked. Jason shook his head no. "of course you don't and I didn't either until those two bitches came in last month and did it to me. Now I want revenge, now I want them to suffer like I'm suffering. I feel real bad for those girls I bet they're cute. Let me know when you find something. Your dismissed." Core said while still enjoying his cigar. Jason got up and left like he was told. Once the door was closed Core laid his head back into his seat and reminisced of all the things that his girl and him went through. A final tear slipped down the side of his face and he quickly wiped it away. Looking around he put out his cigar and went back to his window to look into the street.
"Pops what's wrong with you?" Ant asked while looking at his dad from across the room. His dad had called him over to talk about something but he wasn't sure what. For the past month his father had been acting a lot different from himself. He even caught his dad smiling to himself a few times and for as long as he could remember he never saw his father smile. Especially  since Ronda passed away. Ronda was Ants mother and his fathers ex wife. She was the only person that could make him change his mind in any situation. She passed away when Ant was seven, it took a toll on the both of them. She died from a stray bullet in the club. She went out with her girls one night and things got hectic between to men, next thing you know they started shooting at each other and she just so happened to be the chosen one of a stray bullet. When Ants father found out about Ronda his heart turned cold. He didn't even treat Ant the same after she died, every time he looked at Ant he saw features of her and that kilt him. As Ant grew up he started to look more and more like his father, so his father didn't mind having him in his presents due to the fact that he no longer found it hard to stare at his own son.

"Nothing is wrong with me." He lied.

"The lies." Ant said while rolling his eyes and sucking his teeth.

"Watch your mouth little nigga." He said in a stern tone. Ant looked at his father with gritted teeth.

"Why the fuck am I even here if you just gonna sit there and look goofy. I do have other shit I could be doing."

"What's with the attitude today?"

"I have no attitude but I'm not beat to sit here and watch you look all Googly eyed over whatever the fuck you thinking about." Ant said getting fed up with his father and his non sense.

"To be honest with you I think I'm in love." He said leaned back in his chair looking into his sons eyes to see what his reaction would be. Right on que Ants face screwed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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