Some down, More to go

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Letting the hot water from the shower run down her body she replayed the incident from the past two weeks. All she kept seeing was blood and guns. She remembered the look in Donald's eyes as he choked her. The look in his eyes was burned in her mind and that's all she could see since that night. She tried to shake it off thinking it was just shock from that being the first actual situation where she was fighting death to save her life. After washing she turned the shower off and watched the steam flow carelessly in the air and covers the mirror. Wiping the mirror off she looks at the reflection of herself and cries silently. She looks at her bruises on her neck and arms as day by day they slowly faded away. She looks at her sides and see the lumps still there from the fight. Looking up she hears a knock on her bathroom door.

"Who is it?" She yelled.

"It's me bitch, open the door!" Sabrie yelled back.

"What do you want?"

"I need toilet paper, I'm out." Shaking her head she looks around for a roll of toilet paper, cracking open the door Serria sticks the roll outside the door waiting for her to take it. Grabbing the toilet paper Sabrie grabbed Serria's hand as well and pushed her way into the bathroom. Looking around she saw all the steam still in the air from the shower. Looking her sister up and down she seen that Serria was slowly falling apart. "Really bitch?" Sabrie asked folding her arms. Serria just looked to the floor with nothing to say. "Oh so now you not going to say anything?"

"Say what Breeze?" Serria yelled.

"Say something bitch! Anything, I'm fucking tired of you moping around the damn house looking pitiful. Its nerve wrecking!" Sabrie yelled back getting fed up with her sister. "You being a fucking pussy yo. Stop with the bullshit air you know damn well we were raised better than this. I thought I was the Debbie downer but you got me beat by a long way. We were raised to be killers, fucking fighters. You making us look like a fucking joke right now air. Stop being a bum bitch and start acting like the damn warriors that we are. What happened a few weeks ago was just a fucking sneak peak or a damn trailer to the movie we about to make. Bitch we going down in history for the honor of our parents. And I'll be damned if I let my mother or fathers name go down the damn drain. We graduated even though I had to practically drag you on the damn stage but we got our diplomas and did the damn thing air. We doing big things don't let the small shit fuck with your mind." Sabrie was saying some true facts that was making Serria think about her past actions this week. But it wasn't just about the fighting and the killing it was deeper than that.

"Breeze its deeper than that." Serria said silently while putting on her under clothes and T-shirt.

"Air what you are talking about how deep can it get it doesn't." Sabrie started then stopped when she put everything together. "You gotta be fucking kidding me air." Serria didn't say anything she just kept doing her hygiene thing. "You did it didn't you?"

"Did what?" Serria asked while cleaning her face.

"You fucked him. You let that man boy stick his rough penis into your stank vagina."

"For one, it wasn't rough it was smooth like butta baby, and two my pussy don't stink that's ya upper lip bitch." They laughed together. Serria felt a little better after she laughed. It's been a while since she laughed and joked.

"But you did fuck him though?"

"A good girl never kisses and tells."

"Well good thing we ain't got a good bone in our bodies. So spill it."

"We didn't fuck. We made love."

"Bitch I almost chopped you in your throat." Sabrie said putting up her hand.

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