The Beginning

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Hov' on that new shit, niggas like "How come?"Niggas want my old shit, buy my old albumsNiggas stuck on stupid, I gotta keep it movin'Niggas make the same shit, me I make The BlueprintCame in the Range, hopped out the Lexus

Every year since, I been on that next shitTraded in the gold for the platinum Rolexes

Now a nigga wrist match the status of my recordsUsed to rock a throwback, ballin on the corner

Now I rock a tailored suit, lookin like a ownerNo I'm not a Jonas, Brother I'm a grown upNo I'm not a virgin, I use my cojonesI move onward, the only directionCan't be scared to fail in the search of perfectionGotta keep it fresh girl, even when we sexinBut don't be mad at him when it's on to the next one

Jay Z filled the house early Saturday morning. Rolling over and checking the time the alarm clock read 7:23am, it was entirely too early for Serria. Placing a pillow over her face to drown out the sound Serria then became annoyed and roughly pulled back the covers and jumped out of her plush king size bed that sat up high in the air. Opening up her bedroom door in a hunt to find her sister Sabrie, the music grew louder the closer she came to the surround sound stereo system. Finally reaching the stereo Serria slapped the off button so hard she almost knocked a plant off the shelves near the speakers. Turning around she came face to face with Sabrie, for a minute it was like starring in the mirror since their facial features were so alike.

"Turn it back on." Sabrie demanded.

"No I'm trying to get some sleep."

"Fuck your sleep; you need to be up and getting ready anyway."

"Fuck you, I got time." Serria spoke bumping past Sabrie to go back to her room. Rolling her eyes she walked back to the stereo and turned it back on blasting more music. Serria swiftly turned back around and back towards the stereo to turn it off again. Grabbing Serria's finger Sabrie held it tight and looked Serria in the eyes.

"Touch that button and I'll break your fucking finger." Sabrie said through clenched teeth.

"You got three seconds to let my finger go or I'll head but the shit outta you. One-"Serria started counting but Sabrie stood her ground. "Three." Serria yells and attempts to head butt Sabrie but Sabrie is quick and moves to the side causing Serria to stumble and lose balance. Still holding on to Serria's finger Sabrie then starts to bend it back causing Serria to yell out in pain. Quickly punching Sabrie in the side making her release Serria's finger, Serria hit her in her stomach again causing Sabrie to drop to the ground. Walking away as if she had claimed her victory and won Sabrie runs up behind her and tackles her into the hallway then twisting her arm back. Using her free arm Serria grabbed Sabrie's hair and wrapped it twice around her hand getting a good grip on it. They stayed in the position for a few minutes until Serria pinched Sabrie in the nipple making Sabrie jump up but she couldn't go far because Serria still had her hair in her hand. Serria quickly rolled to her side and elbows Sabrie in the ribs making Sabrie roll to the side next to Serria on the floor. Serria then got on top of Sabrie and started choking her, as Sabrie started to lose oxygen she had to think fast. Sabrie wraps her legs around Serria to throw Serria's balance off then slaps Serria in the ears at the same time making Serria let her neck go, Sabrie punches her in the chest making Serria yell out in pain. Removing her legs around Serria, Sabrie forcefully pushes Serria off of her causing Serria to fly backwards into the living room. Before Serria could attack Sabrie again their Uncle David came in and held Serria back by the waist so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Are ya'll fucking serious right now." David yells at the girls. "Ya'll do this almost every other weekend, ya'll ain't bored with this shit yet?" he asked with his nose flaring up. It was true though, they did fight a lot and it wasn't because they actually hated each other because they loved each other to death. It was because they liked to keep each other on their toes, so they would challenge each other every now and then to see if they have improved. Their only rule was not the face; the face was off limits in any occasion. Looking at each other they low key smirked and gave each other a wink when their uncle wasn't looking. Picking up things they knocked over off the floor and back in the proper place they sat on the couch and directed their attention to their uncle. After their parents died their grandmother Mable stepped up to take care of them. Mable was a trip she was even worse than Madea, in fact when the Madea plays first started coming out people named her the original Ma to the damn d-e-a. Mable was devastated with the news of losing her youngest son and daughter-in-law. She shut down for almost two weeks, all she did was sit in the dark and cry and when she didn't cry she cussed. She didn't eat, sleep, talk, she barely bathed, she just sat in her room and rocked. Mable never thought of losing her son so soon, she did the best she could with him, with all her sons but she knew Hakeem would be great and make a change. She believed that you had to make mistakes and learn from them first hand. So when she found out Hakeem was selling drugs she was angry she was hurt but she only could say so much to change a man's mind. The first time she found out her son was selling drugs was when she was cleaning out the guess room and found a duffle bag of money and at the bottom she found bags of pills, weed, coke, everything. At first she just sat in the room and cried thinking how could he be so stupid. His first two older brothers was locked up for selling drugs so why would he? She never showed any signs of weakness and struggle so what could be his reason? She had two good jobs, in the day she was a waitress of a local dinner and at night she worked at the Strip Club called Maximum and her stripper name was Butter Cream because of her perfect creamy yellow skin. She made sure she took extra special care of Hakeem so he wouldn't turn out like his brothers or even his father. Hakeem didn't really know his father, he left Mable right after he found out she was pregnant. Mable didn't have a hard time meeting men the hard part came when it was time to keep them. When Mable had her first son Dennis Christian Jr. Davis she was twenty and in love. Dennis and her were dating for at least two years before she became pregnant. They met each other their senior year in high school and were inseparable ever since. He was the reason she quit being a stripper and just kept her waitress job in respect of him. They were married for seven years until Dennis was shot and killed during a store robbery. Mable was so distraught. She was alone with a seven year old boy and not enough money to stay in their two bedroom house so she moved back in with her mother. Her father left them when she was three so she really didn't have much of a father figure. The next man she met a few months later was a construction worker and was ten years older than Mable. Aaron was like a blessing from God according to Mable, they were dating for about a year when she became pregnant with her second child David Aaron Roberts. After the baby was born she and her two kids moved in with Aaron, everything started off good until he started beating on her. Every time he came home from work and had a bad day he would beat on her, if his dinner wasn't right he would beat on her, he even beat on her in front of the kids a few times. After a year of abuse she finally reached her breaking point and snapped. She took the kids and her things to her mother's house and went back to handle one last piece of business. This day is what made her the original Madea. She went to the pawn shop and brought three things a .32 caliber, rope, and a gas container. She then went to the gas station and brought ten dollars worth of gas then went back to his house and sat and waited. She had everything planned out she would sit him down for dinner, tie him up, shoot him, then set the house on fire. She thought this was the smartest plan but when he came in she started to rethink her decision. Stumbling in the house she watched as he looked around for the light switch to turn the lights on. Finally finding the switch he turns the light on and looked like he seen a ghost as Mable sat in the middle of the living room in the dark.

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