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All you ladies pop your p*ssy like this

Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss

All you ladies pop your p*ssy like this

Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss

Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now

Lick it good suck this p*ssy, just like you should

Right now, Lick it good

suck this p*ssy just like you should

My Neck, my back

Lick my p*ssy and my crack,

My Neck, my back

Lick my p*ssy and my crack

Khia's My neck, My back was on full blast as the girls walked around the house doing their own thing. Usually Serria would be all in Sabrie's ass for blasting music but not today, Serria was in a good mood and plus this was her song so she was in the kitchen singing long and dancing. Sabrie on the other hand was putting lotion on in her room singing along as well.

Busting threw the doors their Uncle David and Uncle Dennis came in dancing as well popping champagne bottles letting the champagne that spilled out the bottle fall onto the floor freely getting all over the wooden floors. Behind them were Hack and his crew enjoying the little party in front of them. Hack and his crew grew on the girls in a short period of time, the girls looked at Hack and his crew like brothers and they looked at them like sisters. The girls never trusted people but day by day Hack proved himself to be legit and loyal just the type of people they liked.

Walking out her room into the living room rubbing lotion on her hands Sabrie ran in to her uncles and the boys dancing behind Serria and she was dancing and stirring something in a pot doing her own thing. Serria didn't even know there were people behind her. Sabrie laughed to herself as she watched everyone dancing and smiling in the house. Walking up to them she began dancing with them and mouthing the words to the song. Walking up to Serria Sabrie began to bump hips with her and Serria kept the dancing going putting the spoon down and turning the stove to low so whatever she was cooking didn't burn while she danced with her sister. Turning around she seen everyone enjoying themselves and she bust out in laughter seeing her two uncles drink champagne from the bottle and dance. Walking up to her uncles they embraced her both smothering her little body with their large bodies. Handing her a bottle of champagne she took the bottle to the head downing some of the bottle before coming up for air making a sour face at the after taste of the alcohol.

Once the song was over Sabrie went to the stereo and turned it off and all you could here was laughter. Turning to head back to the little party near the kitchen she bumped into Note and accidently their lips touched. Looking at each other and laughing it off they both wiped they lips off with the back of their hands.

"I know you like my lips in all but damn nigga." Sabrie joked.

"My bad Breeze, I guess there's pros and cons to being a lil nigga." He laughed.

"You calling me a con?"

"Nah love ya lips is deaf a pro. Fuck Breeze you got me fucked up in the head now." Note said like he was mad at Sabrie.

"My lips can do that to someone." Sabrie winked at Note then walked away. Note wasn't ugly at all, He was about 5'6 and light skin with thick lips. He rocked a curly top and his hair was fine and light brown, his arms were tatted up and he wasn't built he was a regular skinny guy. His smile is what stood out, be barely smiled he always had a mean look on his face but once he smile you could see his pearly white teeth and his dimple in his left cheek. Every time he smiles his brown almond shaped eyes would glow. He had a thick New York accent since that was where he was from but he moved to Jersey in his teen years and lived here since. He still went back to New York to visit his family from time to time but Jersey was where he wanted to be. Ever since he met Hack his eyes been open to a new world. His real name was Caleb Tyrell Johnson but everyone knew him as Note because he mentally wrote down everything in his head and never forgot a thing. It was really quite interesting to see him in action. Sabrie took a natural liking to Note and even though in the beginning they had their own opinions they slowly became close over the past couple of months. Note was a year older than the girls but their birthdays were all in the same month. Note had a little crush on Sabrie and she knew it, she never denied having a crush on him but she never admitted to it either.

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