What Happened?

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Waking up the next morning Note stretched and looked over to see a beautiful Sabrie in his bed sleeping peacefully. He never imagined being with someone like her but he thanked God for it. Note knew he wasn't ugly by far but going for the prettiest ones took to much time and effort to him. He never loved anyone before but he was opened to try it with Sabrie. He been in a few relationships but they never ended to great, mostly because he didn't know how to keep his dick in his pants. And when he did cheat it was always with someone uglier than the girl he was dating. In his mind every girl needed love so he decided to sacrifice his body to let every girl feel special for a night. He knew any girl would feel honored to be with someone like him so it wasn't hard to get laid. He just hoped temptation didn't come his way while he was with Sabrie cause he know she would mess around and kick his and the girl's ass. Leaving the room he heard someone knocking on his door, looking for at the time on his microwave he seen it was nine thirty two in the morning. Grabbing his switch blade he eased over by the door to look through the peep hole to see who it was. He knew he wasn't expecting anybody so he was surpised by the unexpected pop up. Peeking out he seen April stand on the other side of the door. Cursing to himself he tried to think of something quick so a scene wouldn't break out because that's the last thing he needed right now. A few seconds later she knocked again this time a little louder. April was a crazy bitch and proud of it. She knew she could get away with half the things she did because she was pretty. She was a creamy caramel complexion. She was about 5"9 and weighed at least a buck fifty. She had a cocoa cola bottle shape and exotic almond shaped eyes. She had full heart shaped lips that she knew how to work when it was necessary. She had full wide hips and a soft butt to match. She was perfect in everyway but she was crazy. Note met her at bar a few weeks ago and they have been vibing ever since. Now April knew about the other girls but she didn't care because she knew none of them had anything on her. She caught Note staring at another girls ass before and lost it. She felt it was a disrespect to her and she was right but the way she went about it was wrong. She called the girl back over and told her next time she walked past them she would bash her with a vodka bottle. Note knew from then she was crazy but the sex they had was A1 so he couldn't let her go. He felt part of the reason she was crazy was because she was Jamaican.

Note hasn't talked to her since a few days ago when she snapped on him over why he didn't answer his phone everytime she called and here she was at his door without a call or text. Hearing her knock again he decided to open it hoping he could get rid of her before Sabrie woke up. Opening the door he forced a smile on his face as she walked in. As she walked past he watched as her ass bounced with every switch. Closing the door he got a good look at her, she had on some multi colored tights and a white crop top and white sandals to match. Her weave was pinned up in a sloppy bun with strands of hair hanging around her face. Taking off her sun glasses she smiled showing her pretty smile.

"How you been big daddy?" She asked sweetly. Note shifted in his stance trying to contain his hormones so he wouldnt get aroused.

"I'm good. What you doing here?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"It's Saturday."

"Umm I know what day it is April but why are you here. We haven't talked in days I figured you moved on from me so I did the same."

"Baby you know mama ain't going no where, that magic stick belongs to me and you know that. Just like this kitty belongs to you." She said seductively while massaging her area through her clothes. Note couldn't lie she was a bad bitch and her pussy was the truth but he had to respect Sabrie now that he was with her.

"Ma you gotta raise up outta here." Note said in a stern tone. Licking her lips she smiled and started walking up to Note but the closer she got the farther he would step away from her.

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