{edited} Forty || How Dare I ||

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{First published May 2016}
{Edited 6-19-2016}

Dedicated toShade_in_the_Shadow
For yelling at me. That was awesome. lol

|| How Dare I ||


Dean hangs back following the second and his ice queen out of the bedroom.

Ice queen. He'd never call Avery that to her face but in his own mind and thoughts- that is what she is. His queen who smells of winter and ice.

The second.


Looks back at him. Dean can't help but smirk at the young pup.

Dean's smile widens as Kayden turns back around, going down the stairs.

Dean has a sense of praise for the other wolf. Yes Kayden brings a sense of pride to Dean.

The boy was on the verge of wolfing out but he didn't. And that makes Dean feel more comfortable with letting Kayden take the lead.

Kayden calms her. That makes Dean very happy and lets him smother his protective instincts easier when Avery is calm.

As for there supposed guests. They are in for a rude awaking. A silent snarl forms on Deans mouth. How dare they think they can just come in and take what is his.

Dean's bares his teeth in a smile. He can't help it, imagining the looks on their faces will be priceless.

Dean finally remembers his life before fur and teeth. Before he finally let the rage sweep him away. He was tired at that time. Tired of the politics and the greedy hands. Tired of fighting off the rage and oh so tired of being lonely.

He came here to the Blackwell land's knowing Jeff's great great grandfather. Ben Blackwell.

Ben and Dean where good friends and allies in another time. Another place.

Time. It flown by him faster than he thought.

He wonders if they know what is in their home. He thinks not. And for some reason it brings a hint of guilt with it.


Is it because of his mate, Avery or has he gone soft.

Kayden's snarl brings Dean out of his musings.

Ah the pup was caught off guard.

Dean tilts his head watching the shaggy hair boy tighten his arms around Avery. He's a blubbering crying mess.

What did the boy do?

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." The boy mumbles and cries hugging tightly to Avery. A low growl comes to the for front of Deans mouth but he holds it tight as he watches the boy place a peck of a kiss on Avery's forehead and flees the kitchen, nearly running through the sliding glass doors with the wolf Avery doesn't care for at his heels.

AveryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt