{edited} Chapter Ten || Em-bonds ? ||

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{First published November 2015}
{Edited 6-15-2016}

You the readers are just so awesome-sauce.
Your the best :)

|| Em-bonds ? ||



t's been a week since I came out of my three day comatose state. Three days was all it took for my life to flip once again.

I stop and slip off my shoes and sit down on the dock. A sigh escapes me as my feet hit the cool water of the lake. I swing my legs back and forth causing the water to ripple up and around my feet.

I've learned a lot in the last seven days. I don't want to believe them, but how can I not.

My eyes close as I tip my head back letting the sun shine down on my face.

I still can't get over the fact that the man I thought was my father is actually my Uncle and not only that but his twin sister is actually my mother.

That's not the strangest thing I've learned these past couple of days either.

My whole family is composed of werewolves. Maybe I shouldn't say werewolves they don't like that term. They call themselves shifters or guardians. They're able to shift into a wolf from the moment they're born.

Crazy right. My life is turning into a bad movie.

At least I finally learned why I am the way that I am. I'm an Empath. Able to feel others emotions. That's it. I'm not suppose to be able to block out my own emotions but I can. And I'm definitely not suppose to see them as I do. But me being me, I do.

When Jeff asked if I could sense others I said no.  He said it would be very unlikely that I might be an empath, a very tiny one since the Blackwell line is made up of entirely werewolf's. Pure is what he called it till he married Shelly and they had Lilly.  I remember the red angry ribbons going crazy has he told me that. I'm guessing others didn't like him tainting the Blackwell line.

After he explained my lineage I thought it wise to deny I could do anything knowing I'm even more different than they are.

He looked disappointed but said it's not uncommon. I'm what you would prefer to as a dud. Where the wolf DNA skipped me. Not totally unheard of for a pure line, but then again they don't know who my real father is . I'm just a plain normal dud.

I laugh at that. Me be normal, if only that could be true.

I've been careful now more than ever before. I don't want to slip up and let anyone know I can feel Cameron sometimes like I did on the first day here. Or with what happened at the lake. Which I still don't understand.

Yeah they questioned me a million questions , but my lips stayed shut. I have an inkling if they know I'm sorta like them my days of feeling nothing is over.

My hands come up to rub across my arms as the buzz tingles decided to take over my skin. Kayden's near. The others are probably close to.

I look out across the smooth lake as I start to hear foot steps, more than one.

Ugh. I should've known better than leave my room. Ever since everything went down I've stayed away from everyone liking my solitude. But I've wanted to come back to the lake since day one. It's the only good thing I have in my life right now. The memories from the lake is something I'd actually like to remember.

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