{edited} Twenty-seven ||Mine||

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{First published March 2016}
{Edited 6-17-2016}

|| Mine ||


She called out to him.

Why? It wonders through his mind as he watches the two legged female with the two legged male that came from that thing.

He doesn't like the two legged male who made the female move. Dean was comfortable laying on her.

His lips peel back wanting to snarl. He doesn't knowing it will scare the female who called out to him.

Mid chase. Almost had the fat rabbit.

His mouth starts to water at the thought of his snack being disturbed. She called. He will always answer her call even if it meant no rabbit.

The two legged female that brings a want through his blood. The one that smells cold and fresh. Like a first snow.

His head cocks watching the female.

He growls as pain hits his body. His muscles quiver.

Why. I am not tired. Who hurt me?

He grunts and growls as the feelings come.

what is this

Guilt. Love. Worry. Lonely. Fear.

They hit him like a battering ram knocking him down on the ground.  Taking his air.

He doesn't understand these feeling. Why they hurt so much. His body shakes from the pain.

Lonely. I have been lonely. Lost. Always looking for something. no more. She will keep the lonely at bay.

His body withers on the ground as the feelings pound and pound on him. In him.

His snarls soon turn into a scream. He jerks at the odd sound coming from his snout.

What a weird noise.

He whimpers and whines as something forces his body to break. To change. One last scream flies free as he's on hands and knees. Panting hard at the pain. The confusion.

What am I?

His eyes are looked onto the strange pale things where his paws use to be.

Hands. Fingers.

The thought comes and goes as he fights through his confusion. The pain still withering his body.

Snow. Cold and fresh invades his nostrils. Her. The two legged female is close. Coming closer.

Not two legged female. A girl. A human girl.

The thoughts fly away when a soft voice reaches his ears.

He doesn't understand her. The human. He feels though. A need so great as his body twitching from it.

In a blink he has the girl on her back. Head resting on her soft middle. Arms wrapped around her warm body.

Home. Mine.

They talk. She talks. He doesn't understand her strange words. He's content. Happy.

Cinnamon. Male.

He crawls up the rest of her body looking into her pale blue eyes.

Eyes of ice. Scent of snow. My winter goddess.

A growl bursts through his funny shaped mouth. Not as terrifying as he would like but it stops the male who comes close to what is his.

Mine. I must mark. Make mine. So others stay away. Mine.

"Mine." He growls.

He sinks his teeth into the soft flesh of the girl. Her blood warm flowing down his throat.

She is mine.

It's the last fleeing thought before darkness takes him.

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xoxo Ash

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