{edited} Thirty-Two || My turn ||

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{First published April 2016}
{Edited 6-18-2016}

|| My Turn||


I pause in the door way, "Are you coming?"

"Umm." Cam mumbles.

My ears pick up the sound of the front door opening and closing.

"I'll go see who that is?" Cam says, his footsteps growing softer.

Well, then. I cross the threshold.

Walking slowly to Dean, sprawled on the brown leather couch in the back of the den. A furry black blanket covering him from mid chest down.

I stop when the tip of my toes touch the couch.

All those pesky emotions from before are gone. My body so much more at ease. Twisting my head, gaze on the shocking white of his hair and eyebrows.

It's a curious thing. Him having white hair when his wolf is black as night. Does that mean something is different about him? Special even. Or was he just really dirty?

My eyes roam down. Even his eye lashes are thick and white. The others don't look supernatural in their human bodies, but he does. He looks so very different. Is that why I'm drawn to him more than I was to Kayden? Or is it something else that calls to my blood.

He's nose is straight, just a perfect fit to his strong square jaw lines. Those plump lips are just meant to be nibbled on. What a naughty thought to think. When I first saw the other boys I thought they resemble closely to what one would call a Greek god. Not compared to Dean. He's the real look a like god.

His skin is pale. I can easily see each individual muscle in his solid chest. A warrior. The thought floats through my mind. Why would I think such a thing.


I let my name hang in the air, smiling as the nervous energy slowly amps up.

"Yes." I say looking over my shoulder.

Jeff has finally came home. He stands with Nick along the book cased wall.

My eyes flick over to Cam and his fateful body guard Aden. I smirk. Aden's lips pull back in a silent snarl and Cam looks sick with worry.

"Avery honey, Why did you do it?" Jeff asks softly.

I look back at Dean's peaceful face lost in dreams. Are they good dreams or bad? I blink my eyes and just like that my second sight comes on. His emotions are a whirl wind mix of everything. I guess that's to be considered with what he's went through. Still going through, I'd bet.

"So we would live." My calm voice rings out through the den. The tension thickens. I can feel it like a live energy.


"You still could of got through this without locking yourself a way." Jeff says sternly.

"Maybe." I cast him a quick shallow smile.

I drop down onto my knees. The sound of bones hitting wood flooring rings out in the air.

Something dark an enticing fills my nose.

"I just bite?" I question looking at Cam. After all he's the one who said this needed to be done.

He nods, biting the inside of his cheek.

I bend down. My lips like a feather ghosting across the crook of Dean's shoulder and neck.

A spike of nervousness flows through me. Dean. He must be able to pass my shields.

His skin is soft and cold. A salty sweet taste explodes on my taste buds as I give his neck a small lick. Opening my mouth wide I bite down. I wince as my canine teeth length and grow longer, slicing through his skin like butter. His blood fills my mouth bringing a copper taste with it. I bit harder and gulp two mouth fulls of his blood. As I pulls my mouth away, I feel my teeth go back to normal bringing a small hit of pain. A heat fills my body and our link snaps into place stronger then before. Pulsing with his feral energy.

I climb back to my feet and look over at Cam, "It's done. Are you proud of me?" I ask with a child like tone.

He flinches back not meeting my eyes.

My gaze goes back to Dean and the blood smeared on his neck. The bit glows lightly and I watch with ramp attention as my name Avery forms on his neck. A pride goes through me. Not mine. His. Why can he always break past my wall. How does he know what is going on?

A board creaks bringing me back to the now. I twist around. Ah. Kayden has decided to join us.

I watch as his eyes fasten to my bloody lips. He stops. His eyes flash, a shiver shakes his body.

I see the minute he spots Dean. His eyes glow with a yellow tint , his lips peel back, but not a sound comes from him.

He shakes himself, hard gaze falling back on me. His eyes follow the line of the blood that slowly falls from the corner of my mouth.

His eyes snag on the tag at my neck. That does bring a growl from his parted lips. I can feel blimps of his anger and pain. I guess that answers my question. Me and him are still connected in some way. I don't miss the butterfly feeling he usually bring forth.

"What did you do?" He snarls out at Cam.

His eyes never leaving my face.

My head cocks to the side watching the rippling of his skin.

"I didn't do anything." Cam whispers like a scared child.

"Ahh, Kayden." My body pulls up, standing on my tip toes, leaning forward., "I can see your pain." I breath out. Watching the black and red ribbons swirl with might.

Kayden flinches. Is it from the hunger in my tone or the look in my eyes?

I lean my head slowly to the left, following his ribbons with not only my eyes but my head. The black ones have a slight golden touch to them. I know plain black is pain. With the gold could that be emotional pain? It looks oh so sweet.

"Do you want me to take it away?" I sing out, right hand fluttering in the air. Fingers wiggling. Wanting to brings the ribbons to me.

His mouth opens, but no words come as a grunt and a growl come from behind me.

I feel the heat in my eyes as Dean's feral energy fills the room. Twisting and turning. Stronger than anyone's. He's an Alpha.

"He's uppp." I sing softly, stepping out to the side. A hysterical giggle burst from my lips. I wonder what Dean will do. How he will act.

Maybe I shouldn't of block my emotions again. I seem worse than the first time. If that's even possible.

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xoxo Ash

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