{edited} Thirty-Three || To Much ||

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{First published April 2016}
{Edited 6-19-2016}

Dedicated to whitepaws01

||To Much ||


One minute Kayden is standing in the middle of the room a snarl on his face. The next he's standing in front of me. Eyes glowing yellow.

My smile slips from my face. What's he up to?

His rough hand wraps around my neck. Fingers flexing and tighten on Dean's name tagged forever on my skin.

I feel more than see Kayden's skin ripple and roll as he leans in close, lips laying right on my ear.

His warm breath flutters across my ear and neck"Mine." It's growled. More wolf than man.

Before I can even react his teeth sink into the smooth skin of my neck. There's a small pop sound as his teeth sink in deep. He nuzzles me tearing the wound wider. My eyes get heavy when I feel this snap. I jolt into Kayden's hard chest, not even that small inch before separates us now. I feel a push and a pull from inside of my body.

I gasp as my door, the one I built into my wall that keeps my emotions lock tight, that door I though was such a good idea, splinters open in a million little slivers from an unseen force.

Tears immediately spill down my cheeks as a mayhem of my emotions eclipse me.

Desire. Anger. Astonishment. Loathing. Guilt. Horror. Panic. Mortification. Adoration. Glee.

It's a never ending flux of emotions.

Kayden lets go with a suction cup pop.

I sway on my feet.

His gaze captures me. A look of horror and pride fills his green eyes, "Mine." It's a whispered cress across my lips. Just like Dean, I watch Kayden's eyes roll into the back of his head. His body gives out, as he keels over onto the floor. Out cold.

My knees buckle just as a pair of solid arms catches me, lowering me onto the floor beside a very pasted out Kayden.

I look up with bleary vision and see a set of shockingly bright copper eyes.

"Dean." I stutter, breathless and tired. Weak.

"To much. To much." He grips. His voice shocking me to my core. Its a soft melody of words. So in contrast to his wild demeanor.

"Yeah." My voice is a horse whisper as darkness tries to drag me away.

"Avery, Every thing is going to be fine. Just fine." Jeff says wading up a shirt against my bloody neck.

Fine. A word that works in a lot of ways. A small laugh  flees from my lips dry lips.


He feels him. The other meant for the female.

Girl. Human girl.

The three words ring out in is mind. He's like her now. His fur is gone and his tail. His teeth and claws. His senses are duller. He doesn't think he likes being trapped in this human body. He grunts and growls as he tires to make his weak body move. Wake up. Do anything then just lay here.

Useless. This body is so weak compared to the wolf.

He snarls in his head. He twitches as he feels the other one. Feels his wolf push to the surface. He's closer now. Right beside the girl. He can smell the girl's scent mixing with the other males.

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