{edited} Thirty~Eight || Combust ||

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{First published May 2016}
{Edited 6-19-2016}

Dedicated to Stayay03
Thanks guys for the heart smiling comments.

||Combust ||


My eyes snap open and I jump as two sets of lips kiss both sides of my neck.

I can feel Deans lips curve and the soft chuckle from Kayden. They're driving my body insane.

I clamp my thighs together as heat pools. A shiver sweeps across my body as the kisses start sliding down my neck. One set of lips going to the back of my neck and the other to the front. I moan and instantly feel embarrassed from the sound. I don't move. I don't think I could if I even wanted to. My legs feel weak. Is that normal?

My eyes, they close as those lips go back up. Each to one ear. I feel the wet rough touch of their tongues. I'm lost to the sensations flowing through my body. Lost which lips belonged to which boy.

Does it even matter?

I feel another tug on my right ear as someone nibbles on on it.  A growl more purr like rambles from both their chests.

I bit my lip and quite fighting it. Melting into the person behind me, leaning against a strong chest.

A tongue swipes across the seem of my lips, pulling a moaning gasp from deep within my throat. My eyes pop open the same time my lips does.

"Kayden." I whisper softly seeing him in front of me with a soft smile gracing those red lips.

"Avery." He whispers back.

His hand coming up, fingers trailing around my eyes, across my lips and down my neck. I shiver and feel wide hands clutch my waist pulling my body in closer.

Kayden leans closer, a smile still on his beautiful face. His eyes flash as he moves closer still. His lips gently touching mine. I open for him and with a sweep of his tongue, I jolt forward my hands coming up, grasping his thick hair.

I thought I felt heat before, but I was wrong. As his tongue slides over mine, tangling together in their own sensual dance I feel a heat, a wetness.

Both boys let out another purring growl, clutching me between them. I think I'm going to combust.

"Yo.. Oh shit."

A voice barley registers as two vicious growl rocks the wall. Kayden spins around the same time I feel Dean pull me behind him.

It all happens so fast. I'm still panting for air, clutching my chest and my body is all tingly. I slowly come out of the daze they put me in as I hear Nick.

"Sorry dude." Nick mumbles slightly embarrassed at what he saw.

I'm frazzled. Too many feelings flowing through my body. My hands clench and unclench. As I lean up against the back wall for support.

"No." Kayden snarls.

The sound had my eyes snapping open looking at my mates, that's so weird calling them that.

Kayden starts pacing in front of us. Me and Dean both watching him. His skin ripples and runs. He growls and snaps his teeth.

I shift as dread and fear start to bubble up in my gut. Whatever has him so upset can't be good.

"I'm sorry man, Jeff said so." Nick says quietly getting another snarl out of Kayden.

My eyes jerk to the left watching Dean. He's still as a statue watching the other two. I slowly step forward.

"What's going on?" My voice brings all three guys attention to me.

Kayden's face softens as he moves to me. A hand cupping my cheek. Thumb sweeping across my lips.

"Another wolf is here to meet you." He says softly searching my eyes. Whatever he sees or feels has his eyes flashing.

"No." I gasp out, its more of a plea than anything.

I don't want to meet another wolf. Not after the last one. I cringe and step back a step coming up short to a hand wrapped gently around my waist.

I look up at Dean with tears in my eyes. I don't want to do this. The last one was a bad person. Wanted to do bad things. I can't.

"No fear." Deans voice is soft always soft as he looks me in the eyes. His hand moves away, linking his fingers with mine at the same time Kayden takes my other hand.

"Nothing will happen. Everything will be okay I promise." Kayden says rubbing his thumb gently on the top of my hand.

"Why do we have to do this?" I whine full of fear.

Kayden sighs looking defeated. "It's the rules. How the packs work? Other Alpha's are entitled to come and meet females when their of age." He grunts again, his other hand coming up to his hair, pulling, "Your different Avery. New. Special. There will be others."

"Why can't we say no?"

"Jeff commands it of us. To keep peace between the packs."

A soft growl comes from Dean. Him and Kayden locks eyes.

I chew on my lip biting so hard I bring blood.

Dean's in front of me, looking at the drop of blood pooling on my lips. He wipes it away with a swipe of his finger. "NO fear." He growls kissing me on my forehead. I nod.

No fear.

My free hand flutters up to my neck. Kayden grips my other hand tighter as Dean moves to stand behind the two of us.

"It will be okay." Kayden says lightly kissing me on the lips. I want to pull him to me and never let go. Never leave this room.

Instead of what I want, he pulls softly on my hand leading me out of the bedroom with Nick in front and Dean right behind me. His breath on the back of my neck as we walk down the hallway to the stairs.

No fear. No fear. I cringe. I can't help to feel fear. Fear about everything. About this on my neck. The other wolf and what every one is not saying.

There was something in both Kayden's and Nicks eyes. Something that their keeping from me and Dean. Something we should know. Why can't everything just calm down. Slow down only for a little bit. Give me time to breath. Give me time to get use to this. Them. But no. It just has to keep on coming.

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xoxo, Ash

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